donors 11555,5592,12138

has anyone had any success with these donors?
having trouble choosing


  • Hi Mariamr...we have our first IUI tomorrow morning using donor 11555...I will let you know the outcome. Also, I would be willing to share a baby photo if you would like. Let me know.

    Good luck!
  • Hi renjen71...aww thank you but i already have the baby photos,long profile,audio interview,keirsy report lol...girl i went all out girlfriend and i decided on donor 12138 so excited but i'll be doing my first IUI in the way donor 11555 baby pic is sooo cute :)good luck today wish you the best and please keep posted..oh if you would like any additional info on 11555 let me know k ;)

    lots and lots of baby dust your way
  • Good luck with 12138!Baby dust for all :)
  • hi - donor 11555 is on my list if anyone is willing to share info.

    hope everything worked out for you all.
  • HEY parker7I5 i sent you an email today on donor II555...good luck and baby dust to all:)
  • Hey Ladies,
    My partner and I are looking into 11555 and if anyone is willing to share some info it would be much appreciated. Has anyone had any luck with him yet? Thanks in advance.
    Romaine and Iris
  • Hi ladies,
    I sent you an email today hope i could help and good luck to you both.
  • Hi ladies:) We are narrowing our finals down and 11555 is on our list. If anyone is willing to share any info they have we would GREATLY appreciate it! Thanks so much!!!!
  • Good afternoon all. Donor 11555 is on our shortlist. if anyone is willing to share info, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so so much!!
  • Jumping in this thread a little late. Congrats to all who have been successful! My husband and I are interested in donor 11555. If anyone would be willing to share the baby photo and audio interview we would truly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
  • Hi Mariamr,
    My wife and I are going for donor 11555. Can you share the audio interview and kiersey report? We already have his baby photo and long profile, which I would be willing to share with anyone who needs it. Thanks and good luck to you and everyone else here.
  • Jturcotte,
    I just sent you the baby pic.
    Goddess bless.
  • Hi ladies,
    Does anyone have any baby pics that can be share of donor 12138 or 11555.. Has anyone had any luck with 12138
  • Donor 11555 is at the top of my list. If anyone is willing to share info I would greatly appreciate it!!
  • thanks for the picture of 12138 but he is retired and we have picked to us donor 11555. and was wondering if anyone can share any info or pictures of donor 11555. We are going on friday for IUI.
  • Has anyone had any success with donor 11555. My partner and I went for our first IUI on sat and then had the obulation shot after
  • Mariamr - could you e-mail me about donor 12138? Thank you.
  • I too am considering 12138 and 11555 help with pics
  • I am 21 weeks and went for the 3d ultrasound and found out I am having a boy...We used donor 11555

  • Hi, My Husband and I are interested in donor #11555 if anyone has any information please email me at Thank you :)
  • Hi!! Will be starting our first IUI in August and have narrowed down our search to donor 11555 and donaor 03725. Any help with donaor 11555 would really help, already have baby photo but any other help would help narrow down the search. Thanks!! Please email me at H.ERIKA07@SBCGLOBAL.NET
  • That is one I have concidered, if our current donor doesn't work out.

    Keep us posted.

    Could you email a little info?
  • I'm also looking at 11555...could someone please send me a picture. I would greatly appreciate it!
  • I'm also looking at donor 11555. I would love a picture of him and any information on your iuis. It would be greatly appreciated!
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