Donor 13337


I'm interested in donor 13337, but am having trouble getting passed not having adult pictures. I know you don't do that there, but I was wondering if you could tell me if he looks more like Dean Caine or Michael Copon. You describe him as being a combo, but also have described other donors the same way. Which one does he resemble more? Is his chin square? It's really defined in his baby pic.

Any help would be awesome. He sounds great, but my curiosity is really getting to me.



  • Hi Donna -

    In my opinion, Donor 13337 looks a little more like young Dean Cain. The donor's hair, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, and smile are similar.

    The donor's chin is oval-shaped and it's very similar to Michael Copon's chin. The donor also has a similar smile and face shape as Copon. Looking at the donor in a side profile view, you can see more of a boyish look and more of an overall similarity to Copon.

    The donor has almond-shaped eyes and dimples, which might not be obvious in some of the celebrities' photos.

    I hope this helps!

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