
How many births per donor?

I was looking at the CCB facebook page and there is topic of people connecting with siblings of their child. One woman said the just became aware of the 25th sibling to their child. I was under the impression that there was some sort of cut of to how many pregnancies are allowed before a donor is considered expired or no longer available. 25 seems high. can you clarify if there are any limits to this?>


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    I believe they cut off around 25 family units. They go by family as they can't really predict or stop families from having multiple children. I believe 12 to 15 families is about average. I do become a bit overwhelmed when I think about 25 families possibly averaging 1 to 2 kids. That is a lot of kids. However I believe most donors don't result in that many. CCB tries hard to track this which is why they don't condone selling vials to people on the side and asking that people report their births.
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    Hi Mbez -

    Great question. Our maximum goal is 25-30 family units per donor worldwide. (We ship to approximately 40 different countries.) The average is about 12-15 family units per donor. And yes, as JJR mentioned, we measure in family units because one family may have multiples or choose to have siblings.

    In addition to limiting vials, we also track insemination outcomes. It's important for clients to not only report pregnancies to us, but to also report births so that we can contact them in the event that we receive medical updates that would be relevant to their child.

    We also offer a free Sibling Registry for our clients so that they can connect with other families that used the same donor. Clients are eligible to participate once they report a pregnancy.


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