

Hello! I am new to this site, found it while checking out several cryobanks online.

I am a 29 yr old science teacher, live in TX (Gulf Coast), in a ltr, no kids. Well, my SO has 2 kids (18 & 14) but I do not. We are a mixed race relationship, I am CC she is AA. I am in the very, very beginning stages of seriously considering having a child. I want to finish my Masters degree first, but want to have a baby by 35. I have some time left - but it gets so exciting sometimes I want to do it like tomorrow!

I have been looking at several but CCB seems like the best and I like their AA donors, already have a few picked out!


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    Hi there, just found common ground and wanted to acknowledge your post. I too am in an interracial relationship (I'm CC and DW is AA). We love CCB and intend to have 3 to 4 children (all biracial). I am currently 33wks pregnant with our first daughter. Good luck to you both! : )
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    If having children of your own is important to you, please don't wait until you are 35 to start trying. You will be cutting your chances of success by about a third and making it much more likely that you will have a long, emotional, expensive road to motherhood.

    Read the truth about age and fertility from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine:

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    Oh I am not going to wait until I am 35 - I was saying that I know I need to have my first child by 35. Well - not that I NEED to but that I understand it will become increasingly harder as I get into my late 30's. So, although I am not ready today - I am planning for the next 2-3 years.

    Thx for the replies! And congratulations kmosley11 !
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