Donor 11555

Hello everyone!

My wife and I are just in the beginning stages of this journey of life - bloodwork next week - first IUI set for the end of July if all goes well with the bloodwork. Has anyone used 11555? Success?

Thanks and good luck to all!


  • We ordered 11555 and will have our first IUI this week :) VERY EXCITED! Did you end up ordering 11555?
  • Hi beachbaby...

    We have had 3 inseminations with 11555. First one was in July and then we did a back to back in August...we will test on the 3rd...praying for a positive!!!

    Do you have all the information on 11555...? If not, let me know and I will send what you don't have.

    Baby Dust...
  • Has anyone had any success with this donor my partner and I went for our first IUI on satutday and then had the obulation shot afterwards. Just wonder if anyone had any luck
  • I am now 21 weeks and we went for the 3d ultrasound which was amazing and we found out we are having a boy.....Did you get the baby pic of 11555
  • Congrats kait21!! Anyone else have any success with donor 11555? Start my first IUI the end of this month and we have narrowed it down to two donors, 11555 is one of them. Any info we can get on this donor would help. Thanks!
  • I am a recipient of 4 donated embryos from a woman who has a beautiful baby girl from donor 11555. She had 4 frozen embryos that she donated to me and now I am pregnant; he's my donor too. I have seen photos of my embryo donor's daughter and she's a strawberry blonde with giant blue eyes; beautiful baby girl. The mom says that she thinks her daughter has his personality and intelligence, the baby is 1 year old.

    I'm so excited my HCG numbers show that both embryos took, or it seems that way. So I will keep you posted on this site. It was my first cycle.
  • My son was born 8/17/13. He's beautiful. I registered him on the sibling registry.
    Best to all,
  • Our daughter was born in 2012 - we used donor 11555 and she is beautiful! no bias here.. :-). We have a picture of donor 11555 as a child and we can definitely see some of his features in her. She is a beautiful, healthy and happy 3 year old! Best to all with donor 11555.
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