Success with 13314
Posts: 85
We inseminated for the first time on June 16th (Fathers Day) and I had 6 mature follicles. On June 28th we found out we had success and were indeed pregnant! Yesterday we had our first ultrasound at 6 weeks 3 days and found out we are having...
Here is an update:
I know .... it's been awhile since I have been on here. I am still dealing with extreme fatigue, 24/7 morning sickness, and every other bad pregnancy symptom you can have! I spend most of my time sleeping, resting, relaxing, and forcing myself to eat at least something. I have been weighing myself weekly for the past 3 weeks and have lost 9.8 pounds. That is just crazy!
We had our 8 1/2 week ultrasound today and everything went and looked great. As soon as I saw the first baby on the screen, I could totally tell they were bigger! It was crazy to actually see some features this time. You could make out a head, body, arms, and legs! Baby A is measuring 2 days ahead with a heartbeat of 182. Baby B was a little more shy and didn't show us all of its wonderful features but is measuring 1 day ahead with a heartbeat of 180. The doctor was very pleased and as are we! He told us that we have a 95% success rate now which is amazing.
We have officially "graduated" from our infertility clinic now which is bittersweet. I absolutely loved them and quite frankly.... it's where we started our journey and all we have known! So the transition to something unknown is a little scary for me. I am calling an OBGYN tomorrow to establish with and continue our care. The upside to leaving the infertility clinic..... we won't have drive 3 hours one way!!!!