good luck and good bye

Just wanted to say goodbye to all of you and good luck on your journey. Maybe you are stronger than me but after my first ( I know my first) attempt and failure after I was so sure that It worked I can't do this anymore. I had this same excited feeling many times when I was trying to get pregnant the "right" way and was let down. So I don't feel that this is my first time, just a first time to do it this way. The heartache and emptiness is just too much and I feel like even more of a failure. I mean come on, I can't even buy a pregnancy? How pathethic is that? So I wish you all the best of luck on your journey, be strong. I am not. I hope that all of you get your BFP. Baby dust.


  • Please don't give up. Going to recommend that you get a book called "Making Babies"... please read it... sometimes we THINK we know what's going on with us. This book uses Western and Chinese medicine to help. The authors have over 4,000 pregnancies and babies between them... I'd say they know what they're talking about. It tells about medical conditions and other things most Western doctors don't even consider when a woman can't or has a problem staying pregnant.

    I've found several things in it about me that I didn't know... like a BBT temp of more than 97.5 in the first part of your cycle seriously CAN cause early ovulation before the lining is thick enough... and guess what I've had all the times I've been charting myself? You guessed it. And it told me a LOT more things I can do to help myself help my doctor.

    I know how I felt when I got the two BFN's I have... I just took a bit of time and thought about how it was a test: just how BADLY do I want what I want... which is my family. And I want it bad enough to keep trying... you only fail WHEN you give up. Please take sometime for yourself... and try again.
  • Yes Gale, I agree with Ualtigger. One woman on this board had 12 IUI's, 12 IUI's! It is heartbreaking when it doesn't happen, but I wouldn't give up just yet on IUI. You know it took me 7, another lady on here took 8. You are strong, you're just hurt right now. Keep trying...
  • Gale? Hon? You still here?
  • Gale,

    I know how heartbreaking it can be. I am currently in my TWW on 4th IUI. I know that I am very strong and you are too. It takes a very strong woman to go through this process, so please take the time you need and I hope you realize how strong you are and come back to try again. I will probably keep trying until the doctors tell me not too, hopefully that won't happen. Good luck to you and I do wish you well in whatever you decide is right for you.

  • Gale, Please don't give up, please. I've been down and up on this journey many times and I haven't even had my first IUI. I've been where you are though I'm sure alot of us have. But please keep hope. Be postiive, it will help. What we think we create, sometimes just not in the time frame we would like. Hang in there girl. Lots of hugs Nicole
  • Hey ladies. Okay I went through my sadness, crying and angry and moved on and I have decided to try again. I go in for my second IUI this week. Thanks for all of your support. I know it seems like I gave up early but I really have been trying with a face to face man for a long time. It was just very hard breaking as you all know, thats why we are here. I will keep you posted and ultatigger thanks.
  • I spelled your name wrong but ualtigger you knew who I was talking about. Sorry
  • Hi gale,
    I'm glad your trying again.. and reading everyones elses reply to you helped me too. I love this site. I love talking to all of you and me (us) who are all going through the same thing. I'm going in for my 3rd the 1st week of January. Each time during the 2ww was brutal. Everything and I mean everything I felt in my body I thought was a sign I was pregnant then surprise surprise my period comes. I took December off to do the HSG test... everything came back good. I will start clomid on Monday then the following week IUI. I'm eager.. anxious and scared too!
    I have a lot of stress at work lately plus this up and down roller coaster of trying to get pregnant. I'm trying so hard to not get stressed at work and try to keep reminding myself that getting pregnant is a miracle and when it is our time to get pregnant and be mommies well we'll get pregnant. I'm afraid that my stress at work could be adding to me not getting pregnant? Anyone have any insite on this?
    Gale i'm glad to hear you did or maybe this week your going to do your 2nd IUI. Keep us posted!
    Tateman.. how are you doin in the 2ww?
  • Thanks JP. The TWW is brutal and I like you thought everything I had or didn't have was a sign. This time I am going to try with no expectations and see what happens. Best of Luck to you. Find an outside way to relieve stress because I tell you this is the most stress that I have ever had and it has been really hard. keep me updated on your progress and I of course will do the same.
  • gale, I'm so glad you've decided to continue your quest to be a mom, it is music to my ears. God Bless Nicole
  • thanks Nicole! Iam glad to be back in the pot.
  • JPRANSK, Thank you for asking. Unfortunately my TWW ended with a BFN on Christmas morning. My partner and I were so hopeful that we would receive our Christmas surprise and get a BFP but the 4th time was not the charm. The TWW's certainly don't get any easier and yes, I always think every little symptom is an early pregnancy sign but it has always turned out to be a period sign. Well, we will try again in February. Then of course I realized I already have the best present I could ever ask for and that is my 14 month old son, who is gorgeous :) We'll keep trying for a sibling for him. Good luck to you. What made you decide to use Clomid? I haven't used any medications yet and have been trying to avoid them but now I wonder what I should do? I don't really want to do anything to increase chance of multiples but I'm 40 and am running out of time.

    Thank you

  • Hi Michelle,
    Sorry about the BFN and on Christmas morning. How come your not trying in January? The first IUI was natural (no drugs). The 2nd and this time now my doc and I decided to be a little more aggressive and try with the clomid. I produced 2 eggs on the 2nd IUI.. were hoping for 2 again this time. I go back in Monday, 1/4 for an u/s and hopefully an IUI the next day. Hopefully I can start the year off with a BFP.
    Well I wish you the best of luck and will look for you to post stuff about your upcoming cycle.
  • Gale,
    It took me 3 times before I got a BFP. I was so excited but the excitement didn't last long before during the 8th week there was no heartbeat. And my 8th week was the 21st of December. SO...although this was a huge heartbreak, I plan on trying again. Dont give up on wanting to be a mom. Don't give up on wanting a blessing. I won't...I believe I will have my blessing. I'm glad that you decided to try again.

  • Hey Kim, thanks and I am so sorry for your loss. I don't know what I would do if I was in your shoes. How long do you have to wait to try again or how long are you going to wait to try again? I find out this week if I was successful. I am trying not to get my hopes up this time. No expectations, that way the hurt seems less.
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