
Donor 12766

Hi. We are looking into using 12766. Has anyone used him recently? How many pregnancies does he have? Of those who used him and got pregnant, how long did it take? Does he have good #s?


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    Hi Miracle -

    We can share if a donor has more or less than 5 reported pregnancies.

    Donor 12766 has 5 or more reported pregnancies.

    If you are doing IUI cycles, there are a couple factors to keep in mind.

    1) Studies have shown that anything greater than 5 million motile donor sperm does not improve pregnancy outcome. Our vial standards are set generously above this mark.

    2) Studies determined that there are 5 predictive variables for the outcome of IUI with donor semen in terms of clinical pregnancy rate: Number of treatment cycles, number of mature follicles, the cycle day for insemination, the occurrence of ovulation at the time of insemination, and maternal age.

    For the average healthy woman, we find that it usually takes 3-4 IUI cycles to achieve pregnancy.

    Best of luck!

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