Instead of buy-back, can vials be given to another couple (legally)?

My spouse and I are not sure where else to even start to find the answer to this question:

Instead of using the buyback program, can already-purchased vials be given (for free) or sold to another person/couple who has already used the same donor in the past? (and if so, is there an associated legal process?)

The situation:
My spouse and I would be on the receiving end of this. We have 2 children (twins) using a California Cryobank donor, and for over two years we have been connected to a donor-sibling family who have 3 children with the same donor as us. My spouse and I are trying for one more child using the same donor but are running out of vials, and the donor-sibling family offered us their remaining vials, because they will not be having any more children. Their vials are no longer at CC so are ineligible for the buyback program anyway. No more vials are available for this donor through CC.

So does anyone know if there a specific process we'd have to go through in order to transfer the donor-sibling family's remaining vials to us so we can use them to try for one more child?

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi Molly -

    If you haven't done so already, I would suggest calling Client Services and ask to be added to the notification list for your donor, that way in case we receive any buyback vials we can contact you. You should also make sure that we have birth reports for your twins. I'm not sure if you are familiar with our reactivation process, but that's another option that might be available to you.

    If the vials of your donor-sibling family were stored here at CCB, we could facilitate a non-family transfer to your account. Unfortunately, once the vials leave our facility, there's not much that we can do.

    You can check with your physician, but most physicians will not accept specimen shipments from another facility that were intended for a different recipient. This is usually due to the strict regulations regarding the storage and quality control of donor sperm.

    If you have any questions about the CCB services mentioned above, please don't hesitate to contact Client Services at 866-927-9622


  • In answer to your question mollyober -

    It is perfectly legal for someone's RE to ship there sperm to you. For payment or for free, that's between the two of you. Your RE will need your friends' RE to fill out a certain form. And then there's the payment for shipping to your RE (I supposed you would cover that).

    I'm a client and I wasn't using sperm and I had it shipped to someone free of charge. Recipient just paid shipping...

    hope this helps!!
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