
Full Of Emotions

My husband and I will never be able to have biological children and therefore are pursuing IUI with a donor. We have chosen donor 13314. Our first vial shipped out today and I also got to call in today and report that I'm on day 1 of my cycle. I have an appointment on Wednesday for an ultrasound. I am a 4K teacher and it's my last week of school. That alone brings stress and a mixed bag of emotions. Now add in missing school on the last week due to appointments and the many emotions a first IUI try brings. I'm on a wild ride. How did you keep your emotions in check?


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    I am not sure I had the emotions you had. I was going for acupuncture and my acupuncturist kept me in check. I also was not on any meds. If you are on medication, that can make you more hormonal. It is a tough ride but it does get better. I have a healthy 8 month old who was born 2 months early. I found that ride to be more roller coaster the conception. My only suggestion is not to pee on pregnancy tests early. I did several times and they were all negative until the day AF was due. Also some of the medications can give false positives and false negatives. I had more emotions when the test came out negative then conceiving my son. Good luck and any child you have will be wonderful.
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    My emotions were all driven by the injections. It was hard. I never felt more out of control in my life until those injections. I would be just sitting there watching tv and start crying for like an hour. I am not a crier so it really surprised me. All I can say is ride it out. Your appt. with an RE should not take no more than 20 min for them to draw blood and for you to drop your pants, lol, lack of for better terms, for them to do an ultra sound. You could do it on your lunch break or right before school. My RE is open early for those going into work. GL, FX'd. Baby Dust.
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    I am sorry to say this but it only gets worse before it get any better. You have to deal first with the knowledge of not having your husbands children. Then you have to deal with the stress if you are pregnant of if you are not pregnant. To top it all off once you get pregnant your emotions are totally out of control. I would suggest make sure you are talking to your doctor and if that doesn't work maybe anti-depressants. I am on a low dose and then I cut in half. It really helped thru the trying to get pregnant and now I am off them. It really helped me deal with the stress infertility put me under.
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    First and foremost, thank you all for taking the time of your busy lives to read my post and respond back with such amazing things. It truly means so much to me. I am an emotional person to I have never done acupuncture and I am not sure I would be brave enough to do it. I also am not sure that anyone around here offers it! I am not on any medications yet.... so if the meds make it worse.... I am screwed! ;) I will not pee on the pregnancy test early. I have heard some stories about inaccuracies. I don't necessarily feel out of control but I feel like it's overwhelming me. Unfortunately we live in a small town and the nearest infertility clinic, the one we are using, is about 2 1/2 hours away. Therefore, although it may be a quick appointment the travel time to get there isn't! Thank you for the baby dust....it's much appreciated. I am sure that this only gets worse!!! I will be honest and say I haven't fully dealt with never being able to have biological children with my husband. I try to put a strong face but underneath it, it hurts and doesn't seem fair at all! I am currently on a low dose of anti-depressants and have been for about 4 months now. They have really helped. I really think I feel a lot of pressure to do everything I can to help make this successful for us and don't want to screw it up and being it's our first try, there are so many unknowns as to how everything works too. Thank you again for your wonderful responses!!!
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    Nblondheim hang in there. We are here for you. The ladies here helped me tremendously before during and after my IUI. They are still helping me today. I am grateful for their words of encouragement. Keep your chin up and smile = ) we all send your big hugs.
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    nblodheim... Just remember keep talking about what is bothering you here or with your husband. It is a hard journey but worth it. I have made some amazing friends on these boards and I could not have made it through some tough times without them. It is so nice to have others that have gone threw this or are going threw this. good luck and lots of sticky baby dust.
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    Hang in there.. it is tough not being able to have your husbands child :( it will all be worth it in the end! I tested like crazy during my TWW lol I was too curious haha I got my POSITIVE on Mothers day at 11dpiui :) Oh and I like your donor choice :) He was in our top 3 but ended up going with 12958 and it worked first time!! Good luck and babydust!
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    I am pleased to say I cried, vented, ate way too much junk, and am feeling much better! I am so thankful for everyone's support, advice, and being there for me. It truly means a lot! Thank you for the well wishes, good luck, and baby dust!

    I went in on Wednesday and had an ultrasound and all looked good. I started clomid and today will actually be my last day taking it. I go back on Friday for another ultrasound to see how many follicles I have and what they are measuring at. If they look good and are ready to go, we will trigger shot that night and then I go in on June 16th for my IUI.

    I remember first joining this site and reading other people's post about clomid, trigger shots, follicles, what they measured at, sperm count, etc and was so confused and overwhelmed but every appoinment I go to educates me a little more and I am catching on to everything! :)
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    On my way back from my ultrasound appointment and wanted to give an update. I can't believe how excited the nurse who did my ultrasound was as everything looked GREAT! I have 6, yes 6, follicles! 2 of them are mature and ready now while the other 4 are very close and they predict with the trigger shot they will mature. She said it's possible for 6 babies although she said it's very unlikely that that would happen. We trigger shot tonight and go in for insemination Sunday morning! I'm ecstatic!!!! :)))
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    Good Luck. I will keep you in my prayers. Talk to those follies. Lol. My tww ends on Monday. My IUI was June 3. FX'd =)
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    Thank you very much! I appreciate it!!! Oh you are soooo very close to the end of your TWW. I hope you get the best news ever! I will be thinking of you!
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    We are done with our first IUI! Vial looked good and procedure went well. I was very nervous beforehand! I wish you the best and can't wait for hopefully exciting news for both of us!
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    Remember nblondheim, try not to test at least 12-13 dpiui. Oh had beta today. I got a BFP. But, my number was low as if it is just starting. I know people have late implantation, so I'm optimistic. 2nd beta is on Wednesday. Lets hope and pray this little one stays round for nine months. FX'd. Blessings and Baby Dust........
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    I'm scheduled for a pregnancy test per doctors orders on Friday June 28th which is 12 days after my IUI. I told my husband he can't let me test! :p

    I'm sending prayers your way!
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    It was quite a day with them refusing to call me with the results of my test. After some pushing, I was able to talk to a nurse who informed me that...


    I am soooo very excited and truly feels very surreal right now!

    Thank you to each and every one of you for the sticky baby dust, well wishes, thoughts, prayers, and advice! It is appreciated more than I can put into words!
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    YAY!!!!!!! I checked the board deliberately to see if you were pg.
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    Awwwww! Thank you very much! That means a lot! :)
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