
Prenatal Vitamins, Diet, etc

Hi all - I'm new to this forum. I have finished all of my own testing, selected a donor, and am planning to start my first IUI in September or October and have questions. I am having trouble finding a good prenatal vitamin (my RE prescribed Vitafol but I'm allergic to it) and a lot of the other ones I've looked at don't seem to have a good balance of vitamins/minerals other than Folic Acid and Iron. Any suggestions?

Also, any other suggestions on diet? I want to use the next 2 months to get my body ready to try.

Thanks for any help you can provide!


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    Hi Deborah and welcome. I take the Nature's Made Pre-Natal Vitamin. The pill is small and it did not make me sick. My doctor thought they were fine to take.

    I stopped drinking caffeine- switched to decaf. Ate more fruits and vegetables to get the natural vitamins and minerals.

    I also took pilates and belly dancing as exercise.

    Baby Blessings to you!
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    Deborah M...welcome to the boards!

    I just took a Womens Multi Vitamin and a seperate pill for folic acid until I got my BFP. My RE was fine with that.

    I also stopped all caffiene and increase my my fruits and veggies. If you don't exercise, now is the time to start and if you already do exercise, just continue to do what you're doing.

    I did make myself start drinking milk for the protein...one cup of chocolate milk a day. I really don't care for milk at all, but now force it down for the baby. I'm also not a meat eater, but my doctor suggested that I try to eat some lean cuts. I will eat hamburger now, but that's about it. I just can't do it! :)

    Do a search on natural ways to increase your fertility...you should find other ways to help.

    Good luck and KUP!
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    Deborah- Welcome!!

    I tried some various pre-natal vitamins that made me absolutely sick! My doctor recommended "New Chapter Perfect Prenatal". I don't have any side effects from them. The only bummer is you have to take 3 of them a day, instead of one or two pills.

    Of course, (according to the experts) you should limit caffeine, increase exercise and eat healthy...I am working on that! I don't like that many veggies...LOL. I am like a little kid! Fruits, veggies, but still make sure to get protein and fat. From what I understand, fat is essential for growing babies!

    Good luck to you!! Baby dust!
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    Thank you all for your answers - the info is very helpful. As I said in my first post, I'm new to this and because of your quick answers and good wishes, I already feel like I have wonderful new friends.

    Thanks again! Deborah.
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    Deborah M...yes, that's what you'll find here...even though we don't personally know each other, we are all sharing our inner most feelings on trying to get to the common goal of becoming parents. We are like one big family here, so welcome to the family!
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