Can I use IUI Vials for at home AI?

Hi- we used ICI vials the last time we tried, when we did artificial insemination at home. We were successful right away. This time, we want to try again, using the same donor, however there are only IUI vials available. We want to try again (at home) and wondering if we can use the IUI vials for this.

Thanks for any help!


  • Hi Re -

    The ICI vials are recommended for home inseminations because they contain the seminal fluid that helps the sperm travel to the uterus.

    The IUI vials are washed which means the seminal fluid has been removed and it's a more concentrated sample of sperm. Also, the volume is .5 mL so it's a smaller amount of liquid to manage. While ICI vials are recommended for at- home inseminations, there's no harm in using IUI vials for a vaginal insemination and we have had clients that reported pregnancies from this method.

    Also, if you happen to have a child from one of our donors, please be sure to report your child's birth (if you haven't done so already), so we can provide you with updates on your donor. You can report a birth with a quick phone call to Client Services or by completing this online form:


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