
MTV New Documentary Featuring CCB

Have you guys seen that MTV is producing a series called GenerationCryo where a girl tries to locate her half siblings? I think it said she finds out she has 15 and meets quite a few of them. Might be interesting. Anyone going to watch?



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    Yes, I think I will watch. At least it puts this all more in the mainstream. Thanks for the good find a_walton!
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    I am planning on watching it. Or rather taping it. It starts out that she wants to find her father. But I find it odd as she has to be 18 to find her dad. It could be interesting or it could be horrible. Not sure.
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    I'm with Anissa. I plan on watching it. I hope it's positive, but I am worried it will have a negative impact. I wonder if the donor was open or closed. I'm curious if it will impact donations when guys see 15 kids looking for this guy and potentially showing up on his doorstep. I purposely picked an open donor so my daughter could have the option of contacting her donor, but I am not sure how I feel about kids looking for a closed donor who didn't agree to contact. I'm worried it will make really good donors scared to donate.
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    Austin... I agree with you. I was trying to find out if the donor was open or closed. It will be interesting to see how the kids react. I have already been in touch with one of Hunter's siblings and the mom and I are now FB Friends.
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    interesting and a difficult question to face. had i been a man i'd honestly choose to be anonymous. i'd be uncomfortable w the idea of maybe some 20+ kids knocking on my door 15-20 years down the line, calling me “dad, and hoping for some kind of “connection” that wouldn’t be there.

    a kid looking for his/her father may intellectually be open to the idea that the donor is not open for a relationship, but why would anyone do the search unless there is a hope for some kind of emotional connection? even if the urge is on a subconscious level i believe the desire is there. i don't think many donors are willing to suddenly become "dads" to 20 kids. thus, I hope for the sake of the donors that anonymous donors may remain anonymous (in not, many guys/men may opt out of being donors in the first place).

    i’d hope that the mothers/families would be able to explain to their children that an anonymous donor chose to be anonymous because he WANTS to be anonymous, NOT that anyone would try to find him. it won’t be good for the child, it won’t be good for the donor if this starts to happen, it will inevitably lead to frustrations and disappointments.

    likewise i sincerely hope that all open donors have thought more than twice about what it means to be open, and that it is very, very, very likely that he one day will get a knock on the door, or two, or three.

    in my opinion, the “real” parent, is the parent who loves, protects, guides, raises and is the role model, not necessarily the “birth parent” or sperm donor.

    my belief is that there are tons of sad and disappointed kids out here looking for (or having looked for) their birth mothers, sperm donors, etc, starting off with naïve, romantic fantasies about their “real” moms/dads, but encountering setbacks and disillusionments when they understand WHY they are not with these (biological) “parents” in the first place.

    my hope is further that all parents, foster parents, former IUI or IVF patients, adoptive parents, and so on, are strong and solid enough in the upbringing of their children to get their children to feel so loved, safe, and secure in their families, that they don’t have this perhaps naïve “curiosity”.

    i have an adopted friend, adopted from india by swedish parents, clearly with his chocolate complexion he looks very different than his parents, but he has never set out to find his “biological” parents. instead he is instilled with gratitude towards HIS parents for the second chance to life they gave him, instead of having him grow up under poor conditions in an orphanage in india he has a fabulous education, good health, and very loving family. his family has done a great job in giving him not only the exterior, but also a very sound and healthy self esteem.

    i hope ALL foster/adoptive/donor recipients will be as fabulous ? and that there won’t be many disappointed children looking for these fairy tale (biological) parents (donors) that most likely don’t exist…
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