Overwhelmed with tiny questions

I am posting a few questions as I am at the beginning of my journey. Any help or guidance is so greatly appreciated!
1. Does the Cali Cryobank limit the number of births per donor, I suspect so, but how many births per donor is allotted?
2. What protection do I have as a consumer if I do not get the correct sperm or if there is an issue years down the road? I read how another well-known bank had some major issues, amazingly enough I can not find one issue with the Cali Cryobank.
3. Any info on donor 11291?
4. How about donor 11741?
5. Is the success rate any different with home insemination vs. MD’s office?
6. Do I sound as much like a newbie as I feel??
Thank you all in advance!


  • 1. Yes, I believe CCB does limit the number of pregnancies from each donor. You can write the CCB general discussion thread and Scott usually answers your questions.
    2. CCB guarentees their sperm to certain post thaw counts. They have given me credit when I have had under 10 million sperm post thaw. I don't think they are liable if there are issues down the road, as this can happen with any kind of pregnancy and/or child.
    3.No info
    4. No info
    5. The major diferents with at home inseminations is that when you go to the doc's office, they insert teh semen right into your uterus. I think the chances are higher than doing at home insem.
    6. You won't feel like a newbie for long.

    Good luck!
  • As to #2, the vial has the donor number on it, and the cap is color-coded for racial category. Our doctor's office had us look at the vial and confirm it was correct immediately prior to the IUI.
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