Blood test today...fingers crossed

Had my blood test this morning. 20 dpiui with donor 13789. Praying for a miracle :)


  • No miracle. HCG was 0.5
  • Good luck to everyone out there trying for their miracle. I wish you all the best. Sadly my TTC journey is over. I wish I could have made it to my destination :(
  • So sorry Frankie2013. Is your wife trying now?
  • Thank you. Yes she is trying. Hopefully this month we will have her first IUI. She starts clomid tomorrow. Praying this works for us with her carrying.
    All this waiting is so stressful. I had my blood test last week and still no AF. Stress really does mess up your body. I hope to be able to keep my wife as stress free as possible:)
    Hope all is going great for you :)Any updates?
  • Today is cycle day 44 for me...still no AF. My wife had her last dose of clomid today. Hoping to hold off ovulation until next week and have her IUI. Wish us luck please:)
    Good luck to all of you!!!!
  • My update...
    For me cycle day 58. Still no AF. Doc did blood test a week or so ago for fsh and said level was good, not started menopause, so why no AF??? Ugh.
    For my wife we are currently 11dpiui. Negative hpt yesterday but hoping it is still just too early for a positive to show up.

    Any updates from the rest of you? Wishing the best for everyone. :)
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