Ici verses iui

My partner and I are trying insemination at home for our second time. The first was with ici and now our donor only has iui available. Can we use this at home as well? Will the insemination kit be the same ?


  • Hi Lizatate :)....the cryo-admin can correct me if i'm wrong :)...but for home insemination you're NOT suppose to use "IUI" sperm because the IUI's are pre-washed sperm and only a doctor can do that because a catheter instrument is used to put the sperm in the uterus..whereas the ICI sperm is strictly for inserting sperm in the cervix area. So if you wanted to use IUI sperm you have to have a doctor do it you "can't" do it at home...hope this answers the question for ya :) ..
  • Hi Liz -

    The IUI is technically usable for at-home insemination. However, it contains less sperm and fluid which help the sperm on the journey to the egg.

    ICI vials are meant to be inserted all the way into the uterus, so they do not need the extra swimmers to make the trip. It may not seem like a big difference in distance, but to a sperm, the cervix is a long way from the uterus.

    Basically, IUI vials are not recommended for at-home use because you may not have as good a chance at a success. It is not impossible to get pregnant. Your odds just aren't being maximized.

    Have you checked with Client Services to see if your donor has ICI vials in quarantine due for release?

    Good luck,

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