
2ww again

Round 2...had my IUI this morning, this time with Clomid. Also, the doctor gave me progesterone inserts...has anyone else had these? I didn't last time so I'm hoping the combination of it and the Clomid will really do the trick!!!


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    I have never had the progesterone but hopefully it works for you. Good luck and baby dust!!

    What donor are you using?
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    donor #12419. I have 1 vial left and now he is retired already!! But my first try was unmedicated and this time I had 3 healthy eggs with the Clomid so I am very hopeful!!
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    Im having my first iui tomorrow so I'll be in the 2ww with you! How do you keep from going crazy while waiting?? I'm obsessing already - keep having to remind myself I couldn't possibly be pg yet as I havent even had the procedure yet! So, yeah, I'm def gonna have some issues. Lol. I went straight to clomid b/c apparently 39 (next month) is ancient and my RE thought I should maximize my potential already. Yesterday ultrasound showed a follicle one the right at 18.5mm (sure feels bigger!) and a 15mm on the left. She had me wait to do hcg shot until this morning hoping to get the smaller one too. (if I end up with twins, she's taking one home! Just kidding. I naively think I could handle two.) in the meantime, my ovulation pain has let up a bit and that makes me nervous that I ovulated already. I nearly always have ovulation pain but it sure was more intense this time. I'm trying not to stress but it's really tough. Anyone have 2ww advice for a newbie? Thanks and good luck jaimec and everyone else in the 2ww!!!!
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    You will obsess. There is no way around that. lol. The best advice I can give is stay busy to keep your mind off of it. I am lucky as the first 2ww was around Thanksgiving so that kept me pretty busy. This time I am leaving for New York City for vacation next week with my nieces. They call me everyday to make plans so that keeps my mind off of things.

    The second piece of advice I have is not to obsess over every symptom. The meds will give you some of the same symptoms as pregnancy so you can drive yourself crazy thinking every little thing is a sign it worked. I did that the first time and was really disappointed when it turned out to just be the meds. So stay positive but remember it might be the meds so you are not too disappointed if it doesn't work.

    Good luck!!!
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    I was lucky for my first 2ww too because it was Christmastime and I had a lot going on. However, I was off work those 2 weeks and now I'm not and I'm thinking work serves as a better distraction.
    I have heard it said, and starting to make it work, to "stay positive, but not get your hopes up". Sounds like a contradiction, but my first time around I was looking on baby websites, decorating a nursery (in my head, not for real), etc. so that made the disappointment even worse. This time I am just going about my regular routine and doing a lot of praying!!
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    My Dr prescribed progesterone suppositories for me too. 100 mg twice a day. I would start them 3dpo. I'm now on them until 10 weeks. They aren't too bad but they are far from pleasant. The 2nd kind I got came with an applicator but to be honest (and not too gross) it's easier with my finger. I can feel it going where it needs to go. They give me slight cramps and leak throughout the day. I've been wearing panty liners for 4 weeks with another 4 to go. I went shopping the other day to buy more and decided on getting the industrial size box since I'll easily go through that in a month.

    All in all not fun, not horrible, totally worth the inconvenience.
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    Thanks for the advice ladies! Good point about the symptoms being from the meds, I'll try to remember that. I've read on other forums where women w/ a bfp report having symptoms within the first 2-3 days! It really seems unlikely that you would feel pregnant that early. But, what do I know, I've never been pregnant.

    What is the progesterone for (and why don't I have any? lol)?

    Wishing everyone a busy and fruitful 2ww!
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    I didn't have progesterone the first time....my doc basically said it helps nourish the uterine lining to make a healthier and happier place for a fertilized egg to implant.
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    HI Ladies!
    I had my IUI this morning, all the numbers were great and I feel positive. Happy to be back on the journey with you all. I too will be taking progesterone starting on 3dpo. You get used to inserting them pretty quickly and I agree with Kayla, get the industrial box of liners so you are prepared. My RE suggests lying down for a few mins after insertion (but who has time for that). I use 200mg 3times daily. The progesterone helps your number s to multiply so you can maintain your pregnancy also.

    Shonarb73 my suggestion for the TWW is not to buy a HPT until you need to take it, because unless you have TREMENDOUS will power you will be tempted to test early. If you are the type that likes to test multiple times and often. Get the cheap tests from the dollar store. But the best one is Clearblue Digital because it will say “pregnant” and that makes you feel amazing! For your TWW just try and stay busy, don’t think about symptoms cause you mind will play tricks on you. Implantation does not take place until like 7dp. So try to relax, and go about your normal life. It will be hard but we are all here to support you.

    I am excited to be back on the TWW! 13 days to go…Baby dust to everyone.

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    Whoops! Too late to not buy a hpt! I had to go to the sporting goods store next to the dollar store so I swung in and picked up a couple. I think I'll put it in the back of the closet...

    I went to spinning for the first time since iui. I delayed because even though the rational part of my brain said it's good for me there was still a little voice telling me it would hinder implantation if there is indeed a fertilized egg floating around in there. I followed my ob's advice and got a hr monitor (hence the trip to sporting goods store that resulted in the ill-advised purchase of hpts) and kept my hr <140. It was REALLY hard to do because I LOVE pushing myself with the resistance. It makes me feel strong and powerful which is rare as I am a 5'2" weakling. I'm soooo glad I listened to my rational side because it felt really good and reminded me that my body consists of more than just reproductive parts. If by some miracle I do get preggers this cycle I'm definitely going to keep it up until my belly hits the handlebars!

    I hope everyone is having a low anxiety tww! Thanks for the support and encouragement!!!
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    Good luck, jaimec, shonarb73, and Ms M404! I hope this round works for you ladies. :-)
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    I am only taking 100mg of progesterone once a day so I just do it at bedtime and, like kaylababy said, bought an industrial size box of panty liners.
    This 2ww is harder than the last one for me. I'm having a hard time focusing on other things and then went to a party for my Grandma last night and saw all my cousins who are VERY fruitful and all their adorable little ones....as much as I love them all, it bummed me out.
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    Jaimec, I'm sorry you're having a tough time. I know what you mean about friends/family with kids and, often, the whole family package. Throughout my 30s (so almost 9 years) I've watched as one by one my friends have gotten married and had kids. And it hurts every single time because I want what everyone everyone else seems to have. And then when I discovered Facebook it got even worse! Seeing kids from high school and their families made me feel like a total failure and even more lonely and sad for what's missing. I got quite depressed. But, since finally deciding to try this iui/donor thing I've felt much more in control of my life and more optimistic about my ability to make my own happiness. Just wish I hasn't waited until almost 39 to start so my odds were better. But I'm tired of living with regret! I will make this happen.

    This weekend I had to go to a baby shower for my 20 yr old niece! It disgusts me that this girl is going to be a parent when she can hardly take care of herself! She has a lot of emotional issues and can't seem to keep a job, eats mcdonalds and chips and candy all day every day with nary a fruit or veg in sight and she SMOKES!! Argh! I shouldn't have started on that topic. I'm sure you know what my rant will consist of so I won't waste your time.

    Anyway, I'm sure none of this will take away your anxiety, just know you're not alone. It's hard not to mourn for those unfulfilled desires especially when it seems it worked out reasonably well for everyone else. Hang in there!
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    I feel the same way. This 2ww seems much longer than my last one. Today marked the 1 week mark, and it seems like it's been forever. Luckily I leave tomorrow for a work trip and will be extremely busy the next 2 days and then I have a 4 day vacation with my sister, mom, and nieces so hopefully that will help.

    And I know what you mean about seeing others with children. I am a social worker who works with abused and neglected children, so seeing parents who have children they do not take care of is so hard on me emotionally right now. I have done this job 12 years and have gotten pretty good at blocking some of the emotions. But since I started this process, it has definately been harder. It's a combination of the hormones and the process that has my emotions so out of control.
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    shonarb73 - baby showers have been the worst lately! I hosted one for my cousin about a year ago and then when I was at her house visiting her newborn son, her brother (also my cousin) chooses to announce that he and his wife are expecting. Of course I am thrilled for all of them, but it just cuts through my soul.

    austingurl - today is my 1 week mark too....i've already caved and taken TWO pregnancy tests which, of course, were negative because it's so early. does your doctor do a blood test or wait for you to do a hpt? mine does a blood test at the 2 week mark no matter if i do an hpt or not. Then the day of waiting for the call with results is torture too!
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    No blood test for me. My dr says take the hpt in 2 weeks or call when af arrives to start meds again. If I get a positive on the hpt, then we do a blood test to confirm.
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    I hear what you all are saying. I did not stress during the 2ww because this is beyond my control and it will do NO good. I figured, if my period doesn't come, I will test. If I start to feel crampy and feel AF coming on, I know it didnt work. Yes disappointment but you move on. Cheap HPTs will not detect the hormone until you're fairly late with your period. The CLEARBLUE easy is expensive but so worth it. The cheap dollar store tests gave me a negative until about cycle day 32 when I went in for blood work and of course, confirmed I was PG (it was a chemical).
    And my RE prefers progesterone lozenges as he feels theyre absorbed better. I hate FB sometimes too.. and seeing all of my high school friends with thier kids and my co-workers with their kids and it is hard to not feel like a failure, even though I know I'm not. I am experiencing some infertility so that makes it even harder, not knowing if you're ever going to be able to give birth. Believe me, Ive been there, alot of us have. Online support groups help ALOT!!! SSBD.
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    Thanks misskris....I am trying to get through the 2ww gracefully (and am pulling it off in public) but I let it all out in the privacy of my own home.
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    Reading this blogs helped me to realize what "2ww" stood for. I am very new to this whole fertility talk and I get lost with all of the acronyms. Although new to fertility talk, not new to infertility. Have had 3 miscarriages and did IVF finally. Had my eggs transfered on Jan 23 so now the waiting game. I just made a conscious decision to not stress out about it as my body, spirit, and brain had already been through enough. I wish everyone success on the BFP. Just learned that meant Big Fat Positive.
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    welcome twin 2!
    It's hard for me to just decide not to stress...not only about this, but my job is stressful and I get worried that it causes an unfriendly environment. But i'm trying, that's the best we can do right!
    good luck to you!
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