Low Progesterone level - HELP!
Posts: 82
My RE said I definitely ovulated and I'm 2 days late on AF. My Progesterone level was 3 at 7dpiui. My RE nurse said my level wasn't as high as they hoped and if it doesn't increase soon then there's a chance of miscarriage. I asked her what we could do to help increase the Progesterone and she said nothing...we'll just have to do something next cycle. What's with that! Why not do something about it now? Help me understand something I'm missing. We used our last vial on this IUI and the donor is no longer available.
Thanks for the comment. Talk about pushy...I left them 3 messages yesterday asking them what the current plan will be if I get a BFP. I even went as far as asking "are you comfortable not doing anything about the Progesterone and just chalking it up to a possible miscarriage or is there anything we can do if the level isn't where you'd like it to be in order to be proactive and give it a positive shot." I haven't heard anything. The RE has had my chart since Tuesday and hasn't even discussed it with the nurse yet. Am I peeved...YES! But, I can't get all worked up about it because it won't do any good. I'm bothered because I feel something in my uterus and don't like the idea of it doing it's thing and I'm at the mercy of a Dr. that won't talk to me about what we can do to save something that is trying to stick. I am doing HPT daily since it's only 4 days until it's 30dp my last period! If that makes any sense.
10dpIUI and Monday will be my 14dpIUI. Keep your fingers crossed. Wish there was something I could do to increase my progesterone naturally but I haven't found anything on the web.
We'll see...in the meantime...best wishes to you and baby Reece.
Can't wait to see the new U/S pics.
And I'd be raising the roof... they need to know you're NOT just going to sit idily by and "hope for the best!!"
So far no AF! : ) 3 days late on my period : )
Still feel the pressure on the left side of my uterus which I ovulated from my left side. Staying positive regardless of the outcome.
The WILL give me a progesterone shot if I get a BFP and it might help keep my uterine lining. They did it for my friend and I'll be damned if they will sit idly by and feel comfortable about a m/c.
Best of luck to you on your next attempt!
Heading for the consult tomorrow... hoping to get more than that done... wouldn't you know that I feel crampy on my left side right now... the side that the tube is "alledgedly" open on?? Oy, might have to make another decision pretty soon... for the third time...
Good luck girlfriend!! Trying to keep my strangle hold on AF... she's escaped me too much this month!!
It says to use... based on a 28 day cycle... from day 12 to 27 so you're supposed to stop using it the day prior to her showing up. I'm using it and I know my luteal phase has gone up... I have at least 12 days now.