When or how often is “pregnancy” yes/no updated for donors?

I’m looking at a donor who does not have any pregnancies yet and that worries me. Is the website updated immediately when a pregnancy occurs? Can I call to find out how many pregnancies someone has had if it does say yes?


  • Hi md -

    The website is generally updated withing a few days of us receiving the report.

    You have nothing to worry about. Every donor is highly screened and 100% capable of contributing to a pregnancy. The number of reported pregnancies is only an idication of how long the donor has been available. It takes about 6-9 months of a first release for pregnancy reports to start coming in.

    The number of pregnancies a donor has reported has zeron inmpact on your chanes of success.

    We have never had a donor that didn't eventually have pregnancies (assuming he sold a minimum of vials).

    You can contact Client Services to find out if a donor has 1-5 or more than 5 reported pregnancies.

    Good luck,

  • This may be a silly question, Scott, but I didn't know the answer when someone asked me... but how do you test (not sure if that's the right word) that the donor is 100% capable of contributing to pregnancy. My friend asked if you actually fertilize an egg...? At first I thought that was farfetched, but thought I better just ask :)
  • Hi sea -

    Congratualtions. Not only is that a good question, I'm pretty sure it is the first time it has been asked on this board - and that doesn't happen too often. :-)

    We do a chromosome analysis on every applicant to make sure there are no abnomalities. We look at count (the number of sperm), motility (how many are actively swimming), and morphology (shape of the sperm) to make sure a donor is well above the normal standards.

    Basically, sperm is just a DNA messenger and the egg does most of the work when it comes to sustaining a pregnancy. As long as the man's DNA isn't damaged and the delivery system (sperm) is structurally sound, there is nothing stopping that donor from being capable of a successful pregnancy.


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