
Gonadotropin??? What is this?

Ok so 1st IUI is Thursday. Went to dr. today to check follicle growth. Went from 8mm to 17mm from Friday to today and had 2 follicles. Dr. says that I will need the shot to help with timing Pregnyl (choronic gonadotropin). My question is if I ovulate and surge on my own, why do I need this?? What exactly does this do, and how will this help me??
I'm doing the shot tomorrow at 11am then have 1st IUI on Thursday at 12pm and then 2nd IUI on Friday at 10am.

Thanks ladies


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    Ok also timing with the trigger shot. I'm confused I thought 36 hours later was the best time for IUI.
    This is my timeline
    Wed 5/27 10:30am/11am Trigger shot
    Thurs 5/28 1st IUI
    Fri 5/29 10am 2nd IUI

    Does this sound right?? Am I missing my window, since my IUI's are not 36 hours after trigger?Any feedback would be great
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    Oops for got to put Thursday IUI at 12pm
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    Quite a few docs prefer the Hcg injection to waiting for you to ovulate on your own. Women vary as to when the OPK detects the LH surge and they actually do ovulate. Makes determining when to do the IUI hard, and somewhat of a guess.

    The trigger shot will force ovulation & allow the docs to KNOW when you will ovulate (~36 hrs after the injection)and plan for the perfect timing of your IUI. There is such a narrow window for your IUI (especially with frozen sperm), you really want to get that right.

    Lots of us that still ovulate on our own, have had the trigger shot to help plan the timing.

    My RE only ever does 1 IUI. She feels that 1 well timed IUI is as effective as 2. However, it looks like your RE has yours timed right before & right after the expected ovulation. I would feel more comfortable with the 1st one than the 2nd... You probably will have already ovulated by the time the 2nd IUI occurs. (And if so, you have to question if it is worth the time & expense)

    Perhaps someone that is used to doing the 2 IUIs has better input on that though...

    Best of luck to you this week!!
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    Hi Kim
    Thanks so much for the information. Our RE does a package, basically a set price for 2 IUI's and all of the monitoring and ultrasounds, so its not necessarly cheaper. He seems to think that having the sperm there before the egg arives and then doing the 2nd IUI after the egg has arrived increases our chances. I know there is some controversy with that and really how much the chances increase. I was just worried that we weren't doing either one of the IUI's at exactly 36 hours after trigger. Nurse today said that we are covered with both IUI's because there is a window. I just got back from having trigger shot at 11am and will go in tomorrow for 1st IUI at 12:00pm and then 2nd one on Friday at 10am.I'm obviously nervous, excited, anxious, and praying that it works.
    Please send us all your baby dust and well wishes and I will be keeping you guys all posted. Thanks for all of the support. This and Facebook have been amazing to me through this journey!

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    Good luck, Alicia! Keep us posted! I can't wait till I can get started with this process later this summer!
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