
How does the sibling registry work?

We will be participating in the reported pregnancy and sibling registry when we conceive, but are curious about determinig - down the road at say age 20! or so - that the child isn't related to someone that is a love interest. We are uncertain as to how the registry works. Does the DI Child contact CCB or is it available to the parents during the child's adolescent years as well?


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    Hi TTC -

    Good luck with everything. We can't wait to hear your good news whenever the time comes!

    Here is all the info on the Registry:


    Keep in mind that approximately half your child's "siblings" will be of the same sex, so the chances of two random people concieved from the same donor meeting, falling in love, and starting a family together is astronomical. Add to that that if the two individuals are both aware of their backgrounds, even in a same-sex relationship, wouldn't the fact that they were related come up long before getting too deeply involved?

    I think the only significant chance that two donor siblings meet in intentionally through a sibling registry.

    Best of luck to you,

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