Hey everyone just need some support

Hey everyone just need some support
I have checked with so many people about the cost of the process and I can afford it but I lost my job so I not sure what to do because the process will take everything that I have saved. The next worst thing is that my donor could sell out or retire before I can afford I can get another job. The last few things are that the price of sperm is going up at the begging of the New Year which will place me more in finical heart ache so I thought of buying now before the price goes up, but am not sure if this is wise choice to make because I don’t know if I will a job soon.


  • I am sorry you lost your job,however you should know how much money you have save to buy the vials you need.do you think you will be getting a job soon? how old are you? can you wait a year or so? but I think if you are over 35 years old you should be TTC soon.I wishes you all the best its hard to give advise when I dont known too much about you. I am on my TTW from my first IUI and am very excited and nervous at the same time
  • Hello, I just wanted to say that a friend of mine has done many cycles this way (CC)and has run out of money. we were looking for alternative ways and came across this. Its a whole different ball game but also makes a fair bit of sense if you think about it.
    www.sperm-donors-worldwide.com. I may well end up doing it this way too as the nurse casually said to me - oh it could take a year!!! Cant even imagine the money - Good Luck!!
  • Sorry about your job loss. I am sure that changes things somewhat for you.

    If you have enough saved maybe you can see a RE (while you still have insurance) and make sure everything is OK for you to proceed before spending money on vials, etc. If everything looks good you can move forward or reconsider postponing for a couple of months.

    Either way, best of luck and keep us posted.
  • Hello,
    I have waited ten years to have a child, and I have been waiting forever to save up money for the process of becoming a single mother. I finally have to money to start the process so even though things are not turning out the way I would like them to like me losing my job this year. I figure that today is my day for me to stop waiting to become a mother. So this is day one of my long awaited journey to motherhood now am made the call to the RE and next am going to buy sperm and store it for just a few months. Then go from there I want to thank you so much to all of you give me the encouragement that I need thanks lot of baby dust to you all.
    babylove02,JBM,and baileysmom
  • Baby67890, Good luck and keep us posted.

    Lots of baby dust your way!!!

    Happy Holidays.

    Ivette & Glen
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