

ualtigger...Happy Birthday!

Got any good plans!


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    Thanks, hon... oy, did I make a COW of myself today... guess it's all the wheat grass I've been chewing... er, swallowing... the past month or so.

    Hung out with Mom today... we went to the movies and pigged out at Old Country Buffet... and I got the best present I could have other than a BFP.. she FINALLY understands why I've chosen to do what I have!! Seems she's finally understanding that there's nothing wrong with having children the way I plan to... and that's the BEST present other than a BFP that I could have asked for.

    Now, if I can get the proceedure done BEFORE I LH this month... :)
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    Awesome day it seems like! Glad to hear you have the support you needed. : ) KUP!

    I'm still waiting for a BFP or BFN...
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