

Im really confused, Im in my 2ww. I had my IUI done on 2-20-09 and on monday(this week) I had my blood drawn for my progesterone. Today I got my results it was at 37. The nurse said that it was a good number. I didnt use any meds. Can someone help me understand the number, and what it means?


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    That is a really high number for you to have an unmedicated cycle. The reason to check progesterone around day 21 of your cycle (or 7 days after insemination) is to make sure you ovulated. You progesterone should be over 10 on an unmedicated cycle and over 15 on a medicated cycle in order to indicate ovulation and a level high enough to sustain pregnancy.
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    mrandmrswhite- Thank you for your information. No, I didnt use any meds at all, and it was my 1st IUI and the test was done on day 22. I have had terrible AF symptoms for the last week. I dont know what to think about the result good or bad? Thanks again.
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    That is a really good number...mine was only 16.7, but I did get pregnant on my first IUI...so that number worked for me.

    As for the cramping, not to get your hopes up, but that was my first sign that I was pregnant. I knew that I normally didn't cramp like that until the day before my period, but I had AF cramps every day...and still do and I'm 10 weeks along.

    Good luck and KUP!
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    MistyandCarla- Wow, thank you so much for your positive feed back. Congrats to you! The cramping for me is almost non-stop. I wont get my hopes up but its good to know, it could be a good sign! This for me has been really tough considering I dont have anyone to turn to in this situation. My sister in law is about to have my nephew any day now, and im trying to keep some of whats going on with me to my husband and myself, trying not to steal her thunder. Thank you for putting a smile of hope on my face. Good luck to you! I hope to be right behind you!
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    You're so welcome. I'm sorry to hear that you feel that you don't have anyone to turn to. That must be tough.

    I know it must be hard to have your SIL getting ready to have a baby. Before I got pregnant, I even found myself being jealous of strangers being pregnant. I know that sounds crazy, but it's the truth. I commend you for being the bigger person by not wanting to steal her thunder...but let me tell you...once you get that BFP you'll want to shout it from the roof tops! I tested at 4:30am when I got my BFP and don't you think that I didn't call all of closest friends and family that early! I couldn't wait to share the news!

    My suggestion to you is to listen to your body...you know it better than anyone else. You know what's normal and what's not. I knew that I was pregnant before I got the positive on the test, but I felt weird explaining that to my partner and friends. I guess that I thought that if it happened that I was not pregnant, everyone would think that I was crazy. Just try to relax think positive thoughts...and try to eliminate stress.

    What cycle day are you on and when will you test?
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    MistyandCarla- Well Im happy to report, I got my first BFP this morning! And believe me, I made sure everyone knew it. Thank you for your support, you put the sunshine in day! I wish you and your partner all the best!
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    BFP means "big freaking (or the other word) POSITIVE"
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    Yeah, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I can't believe that I'm just now finding this message! I'm so happy for you!

    Have you had your HCG levels done? How were they?
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    MistyandCarla- Thank you, I have my orders and will be going this week for the test. I will let you know the numbers. Thanks again, it still feel like im dreaming!
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    I know it does...just take it all in and enjoy every single second of it!

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