First IUI - Now 2ww!
Posts: 52
We were gonna wait another cycle and use the clomid prescribed, but I had a feeling I was ovulating on the 22nd and got a Pos. OPK on the 23rd so we decided to go for the long shot. We weren't sure on timing so we decided one vial would be the smartest route. At 12:00 yesterday we had our FIRST IUI!! We had many things to be happy about: First we got a suprise from the doctor, she had called to check with our insurance, and they covered 50% of the procedure!! We only paid $70! Second, our nurse let us see the sperm under her microscope! There were so many and they were all moving around wildly!! YAY! Third, we were together and happy and hopeful!! And now, the dreaded 2ww! Please wish us luck, keep us in your thoughts, and send lots and lots of baby dust!!
We did back to back IUI's on the 23rd and 24th (yesterday and today). We had five mature follicles (over 14 mm) on our visit on Tues so we are pretty excited and anxious! I admit Im alittle scared as our RE warned of us doing the IUI with that many follicles, but believes that not all of the smaller follicles will release. Good Luck to you and I cant wait til March 9th!