
question about sperm washing.

Is the there a specific gradient that CCB uses to wash the sperm? Is it a basic wash or a premium wash? Does CCB do a trial freeze on donor sperm before to see how they will do with the thawing process? Besides the normal quotation of average try of successful pregnancies 4 iui's, do you if success rates are better with ici washed by RE's vs. CCB prewashed IUI?



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    For both of my successful iui cycles I used ICI vials and let my re wash as they prefer it. I just bought an iui vial and am nervous because I haven't used the pre washed before.
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    Thank you for your input. I wonder about the amout of successful preg with ici. I may post that question on the other boards. :)

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    Hi Renee & JJR –

    We use a density gradient wash (which is a premium wash), followed by a re-suspension of the pellet and another wash, to process our IUI samples. To ensure that specimen meet our quality standards, a post-thaw analysis is performed on a test vial from every single donation.

    It would be difficult to determine success rates based on who washes the specimen, as the process of thawing and washing specimen may vary from clinic to clinic. Also, there are different variables that affect success rates such as use of fertility drugs and maternal age. I can look into this further to see if any such studies exist.

    Please also keep in mind that we have a specimen guarantee for our vials.



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    Hi Jjr3,

    Was your ICI from a donor and washed and from CCB? I am curious to know the volume and count (if available) after the ICI was thawed and washed. I was told by my facility that there is a potential to be nothing left for the procedure after the thaw and washing of the ICI vials... to do a IUI with it. CCB guarantees a min of 15 Million prewash ICI which is 1cc and I was told it should be.5 cc after wash but they cannot guarantee the count. So I am exploring my options since only the ICI is only available for me now. IUI worked for me and I was worried ICI would not work.. I was excited to see your post on ICI success.
    thank you!
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    I don't remember what the count was but it was very high. However, my re is a highly successful clinic in seattle. Their lab is excellent and they prefer to wash themselves. The ICI vials were from CCB. If your re is concerned about nothing being left I would go with iui as that means they have run into that before. That was not anything my clinic mentioned to me. So it might depend on lab skills.
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    Thank you so much. I will call them and ask a few more questions. I hadn't thought about them running into that before... Glad I asked! :)
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