
Lost and confused

BFN again! I think that I forgot who I used to be before this process took over my life. I am now up to 5 IUI (3x with my husband's sperm and 2x with donor sperm) and 1 IVF attempts without any success. I hate my doctor and his office, which I think is making this whole situation worse. I decided just not to go in this month for any treatments, and I have to admit it was liberating to finally feel like I had some control over something for a change. I wish my regular ob/gyn treated infertility. I feel like I was dumped right before prom by being passed along to another doctor, and instead of dealing with the doctor of my choice I am stuck with an incompetent "specialists". I think I need to find a new doctor if I am going to continue further fertility treatments. Anyone have a good doctor in Buffalo, NY they recommend?



  • Options
    I am sorry this has been such a frustrating process for you....it will happen, law of attraction! Think positive. Have you tried any alternative methods to heigten fertility, like acupuncture, yoga, or fertility foods?
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