It's been a long time since I've posted on this board. I'm not sure if any of the same people who visited the boards are still around but figured I'd check in and say hi to all the old people, as well as new people :-)My last post was in August 2010.

Here's a quick history; My wife and I have a beautiful 14mo old son, and were blessed with him after our 2nd attempt at a natural cycle IUI. It was the best moment of my life becoming a mommy to my baby boy and we are ready to add a new addition to our family.

So...here we are again. We met with the Dr. back in April and went in for day 3 bloodwork and an US. All looked great with the bloodwork and US, we were on board for the next round of babymaking :) We got a positive on our OPK on Saturday (6/23/12) morning and then again late afternoon and scheduled the IUI for Sunday (6/24/12) at 11am.

And now we have officially started the countdown of the 2ww.

Anyone else in the 2ww?
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