
Checking in...

How are you ladies doing? Just thought I'd stop by and say hello!!! I'm 6 weeks now, and I go in for my first sonogram on Monday. Very excited!

I had a bad dream that the sonogram appointment turned out badly, and it startled me awake and I can't shake the sad feeling now. I have to keep telling myself it was an absurd dream that was just manifesting my fears. I mean, it really was ridiculous...in my dream, the sonograms were administered out in the open where everyone could see, and I was in line with all women who were pregnant with twins, and when they got to me, they just said "Oh, sorry" and moved on to the next one. I'm trying to shake off the feeling, but after 80 months of TTC and thousands of dollars spent on treatments, I keep panicking that something will go wrong...but so far, so good! Halfway through the first trimester!!!

Wish me luck & sticky dust, and I'm sending you love, luck, and baby dust!!!


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    Luck, sticky dust, prayers... everything that I can possibly send. You and little one will be okay.

    AFM: Heading toward my fourth IUI... can't wait!!
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    After your latest post, I guess I SHOULD have said "You and little ONES will be okay". :-)
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