how many tries is it typically taking?
Posts: 5
how many tries does it typically take. No idea if I have any reproductive problems, being a lesbian.. we are trying this month or next just getting all our ducks in a row :)
good luck
I am hoping this lucky cycle #7 sticks. We also didn't do any medication at all until this cycle so I am hoping this is the one! All the other cycles were unmedicated, and this was our decision.
Looking back if I had to do it again, I don't think we would do more then 3 unmedicated cycles- and we also would have switched donors after the 3rd try.
Or even just go to IVF right away after a couple of tries..My wife is 35 and has no fertility issues so we thought we would get pregnant a lot sooner...
However, we have spent just as much money on IUIs and sperm as we would have on one cycle for IVF. If I had to do it again I would probably just go straight to IVF. I had a friend who did just that. It would have cost just as much as we have spent on 7 cycles but we probably would have gotten pregnant on the first try.
It changes for everyone. My friend got a BFP her first try, doing it at home with one vial and she has issues, cyst and endometriosis.
My partner and I have been trying for 1 year. we got a BFP on our 2nd IUI, sperm count over 12mill (2 vials) we lost it at 9weeks. We did a total of 3 more IUI at doc, 2 ICI at home and no luck.. with trigger shots, Clomid and the doc said she is a perfect candidate there's nothing wrong with her only it's the sperm count that's low. Everytime was a total of 5mil for 2 vials, more or less.. which is quite low. This is our 8th Try, but with a new Donor and we did it at home with 2 vials. I'm a bit mad, because it took them all this time for the doc to tell us to go back to CCB and let them know the sperm count has been low. But we are happy to know It's not my partner.
Anyways, As you can see. It all depends on many things, but a lot on the sperm count. 1mil = 1% chance of getting pregnant. Best of Luck.
Crossing fingers that we have a BFP on Valentines day. :D So far, she's been feeling a little bit nauseous, shortness of breath and tender breast.. All these are good signs..
Baby dust to all!!!
BFP- means big fat positive (pregnancy test results)
is it an easy process for the Doc to test your vial for sperm count prior to inseminating?
we are going for try #4 next week - all with the same donor. we've done Chlomid and trigger shots for all but try #1.
good luck to all!
I haven't heard many people complaining about low sperm count, some have though. some ladies reported my old donor having really high sperm count but that wasn't the case for us, with the expection of once, which is the time we had a BFP. It was really strange we had bad luck with him.
The way I see it, is that he wasn't meant to be our donor and our baby wasn't healthy enough to be born.
When the doctors thaw out and it was a really low count. The standards in CCB is a minimum of 15million give or take 15 to 30% difference, of more of less after thawing out. We were wayyy below that count. Check with the doctor and if that's the case, the doc can put a claim for you. we always shipped priority and the vials were used within the 2 weeks of shipping.
CCB is really good about their standards and the quality they sell to you. They help you thru this whole process. They are great.
Also, our doctor's office did a count right before insemination. I thought this was standard practice. We had to purchase 2 vials for the doctor's office because if the first vial would have been sub par they would have thawed the second. Thankfully, we only needed the one and now have an extra vial we're trying to get rid of.
PS our donor had huge sperm counts and more than 8 reported pregnancies before us.
For us we experienced 8 IUIs with 4 different donors, 2 medicated with Clomid, 2 resulted in miscarries and then we found out my partner's tube was blocked. She had surgery last September and we are currently 15 weeks pregnant.
Be faithful about tracking your cycles and asking lots of questions to your doctor. I wish we would have had a hysterosonogram done lone before to avoid any of the problems we went through. I think it would have saved us some money and certainly some heartache.
Good luck to you! It will happen.
Good luck! if this is a BFP baby is due on our 9th year anniversary 11/19 :) Don't want to be too excited, so early.