First time, nervous about outcome

I did my first IUI, and am now 16dpIUI. On day 11 I received a very faint positive, and then again on day 13. I went to get a blood test done, and the doctor said that I am pregnant, but the level is very low so he doesn't feel confident that it will be viable. I was supposed to get my period that day, and it didn't come. Yesterday I started spotting, but had a faint positive line on a different test than I previously had received one on. I still have not had any cramps, but am still spotting. This morning I got a lighter line on the original test. Lighter than it was both other times. I'm scheduled for another blood draw tomorrow to see if it's going up at all. I'm so afraid that this isn't working out. I know it's only my first time, but I was so optimistic when we got the positive. I feel like I'm pregnant, and don't want this to change.


  • Good morning. The same thing happened to me with my first IUI. I know exactly what emotions you are feeling right now. My wife and I were devastated. It's call a CP (chemical pregnancy). It happens very early on, before the heartbeat. What it comes down to is that implantation isn't successful and it causes it. I started my period a week after it was supposed to come. After my CP it took almost 6 weeks for my period to come back. They say that it is not unusual and that most women do not even know that they had a CP, they just think their period came late. We, unfortunately, know because we are tracking everything. It happens 1 in every 5 pregnancies. They say that you are more fertile afterwards, so that's exciting news. I had my first IUI in 30DEC16 and it resulted in a CP in 24JAN17. My period finally came back 04MAR17 and we have started the process again. We will be triggering tonight and our IUI #2 is scheduled for Saturday morning. Please please please, do not hesitate to reach out to me about anything. I was in your shoes two months ago and know EXACTLY how you are feeling. Remain positive, I know it's hard and easier said than done, but you aren't alone. Sending good vibes your way!
  • I keep reading about CP's and am still hoping maybe it's not that. It felt like implantation didn't even happen for a week after the insemination, so I'm still hoping maybe the timeline is just off. Guess I'll see how the blood work goes tomorrow. Good luck with yours!
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