
Donor 13751

Hi Guys,

My wife and I just purchased several vials of Donor 13751. Our first round of IUI is next week, assuming my cycle cooperates. My wife is a gyn, so we'll be doing this at home. I'd love to hear from anyone with at-home IUI experience or stories about using the same donor we have. We are both simultaneously excited and terrified!


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    Hi there, i am using the same donor. We just switched after a few failed attempts w another donor. We r in NJ. Would love to chat more if you want. We r doing our iuis tomorrow at our RE's office.
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    Hi! That's so exciting! We are in Day 10 following our first round of IUI. I'd love to know what your doctor says about the quality of the sample. Best of luck to you!
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    We had 2 vials, first one was great 14 million, 2nd day, not so good, we were surprised. Only 7 million. May get a copy of report and send to ccb. We'll see. We did 2 back to back iui's.
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    That count is definitely surprising. I'm curious to know if/how CCB responds.

    We're on Day 16 after the IUI. Negative home test. Debating whether to go in for a blood draw tomorrow, as it feels like Aunt Flow packed her carpet bag and is getting ready to land on the roof. (For some reason, I've decided she looks a lot like Mary Poppins' unfortunate second cousin.)

    We're heading out on our long-overdue honeymoon next week, so depending on when Flow decides to return, we may take June off and attempt Round Two in July. Please keep me posted on all your progress!
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    We had a negative. Very upsetting. This was our 5th iui, so we r moving on to ivf. Hope you had a great honeymoon. We will still be using the same donor for ivf. Where r u located, we r in nj.
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    So sorry about the negative. Best of luck with the IVF. Does your insurance cover it?

    We're in Arizona. Had our second round of IUI with this donor over the weekend. Fingers crossed.
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    Insurance covers most of it, just not the genetic testing and storing. We will be ok, just hoping this works. Lots of meds. R u familiar w the closed private facebook page? Its for those using ccb, started by a bunch of women using donors, its been a life saver for me, lots of support. https://www.facebook.com/groups/CCBFriends/?ref=ts&fref=ts

    Request to join. Mention u saw it on the bulletin board here on ccb website!! My name is Kerry.

    Good luck w round 2!!! We do first egg retrieval end of month.
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    Thank you so much, Kerry! We are heading to the RE today. The first two IUI attempts at home (my wife is a gyn) have proven fruitless. My uterus is ante flexed, so the catheter can only advance so far before hitting the posterior wall of my cervix-- incredibly painful. We're confident that a reproduction specialist can get around the anatomical challenges. We still believe that donor 13751 is "the one."

    My email address is fighingjakes@yahoo.com if you'd like to connect in a less-public forum.

    Wishing you a smooth few weeks and many healthy, robust eggs!
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    Kerry and Kenzie,
    First off, I would like to wish you both luck in your journey. My partner and I have chosen to use this donor for our first IVF cycle which will occur at the end of August. We have tried 8 rounds of IUI with a different donor with no success. We are located in Wyoming but also have a vacation home in Arizona. I am very excited to hear your updates as to my knowledge, there are no reported pregnancies for this donor yet. I haven't joined the Facebook group but would like to exchange emails in the future if you're interested.
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    Hi there! We'd love to get in touch with you. My email is fightingjakes@yahoo.com.

    Best of luck to you and your partner! Looking forward to hearing from you.
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    I just did my first ICI using donor 13751. I'm in my TWW now. I'm new to all this and I think my timing was a little off so I'd be surprised (happily) if it was successful. Here's hoping!
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    Our first round of egg retrieval was a bust. 7 eggs, 4 fertilized, but none made it to blasto stage. :-( we will try another retrieval in sept.

    Kenzie, i tried to email you at the address listed above but it bounced back. Hope all of u r well. Baby dust!
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    Hello ladies,
    The numbers I have gotten on both vials that I have bought of this donor were each 55 million with 33% motility. Which from what I have seen from other donors that isn't superior but not bad either. We've just completed our first egg retrieval, 11 eggs retrieved although only 6 were thought to be mature. We find out more information on the number fertilized tomorrow. Please keep us in your thoughts (and prayers if you believe in such things)! :)
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    Hey Indiggo,

    Sorry about the email bounce. Looks like I forgot a letter whilst typing it in. The dangers of being in a hurry! Use the address from the 7/25 post. That one is complete! ;-)

    Kind of exciting to see this donor's pregnancy status changed from no to yes!

    Best wishes to all!
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    Just an update on my last post if ya'll are interested. Of the 11 eggs 9 were mature (better results than expected) while 7 of them fertilized. On 8/26 we transferred 2 of the embryos and froze 2. The rest didn't make it to the blasto stage. We are now in the dreaded 2ww.
    I hope all is well for everyone. And yes it is exciting that the donor's status has changed. Our embryologist said the sperm was of great quality.
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    Very exciting stuff! Please continue to keep us posted. Fingers crossed for you!
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    Just made it past the 2ww. And...we have a confirmed pregnancy! Now it is on to the 3(first trimester)..or better yet, 9 month wait! :)
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    Total elation for you! Congratulations, and don't forget to breathe.

    We are hoping to start our first round of IVF later this month. Just need my body's cycle to start cooperating before I can break into the box o' stims currently sitting on the bathroom counter.

    Again, congratulations, and do keep us posted!
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    I know this is quite an old thread, but I was wondering if any of you ended up with a successful pregnancy from this donor. I have been through four IVF transfers and all miscarriages. We have three vials left and will most likely not keep moving forward. Thanks in advance!
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    TJB, our family did get pregnant and we're trying for #2. I'm interested in buying your vials, if you're interested in selling them! Please email me at silverbell[at]silverbell.org to connect. Thank you!
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