
Question and advice...HCG????

I have been religiously tracking my ovulation for the last 7 months and up until last month, I was a pretty regular 28 day cycle (LH surge on cd 14) but last month and this month I haven't detected my lh surge. I was testing cd 11-16 morning and night and not able to detect it last month or this month? I will be inseminating in January and am scared I will not be able to detect it again. Should I suggest doing the trigger shot, being that my vials will be shipped to my house in which I will bring them to my ob's office for the insem.

Has anyone else had this problem after tracking your cycle for months and then not being about to detect a surge???

Any suggestions would be appreciated!! Thanks so much!


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    Don't worry. It is common to not ovulate every single month. Some months my LH surge is not as strong and long as other months. Trust your body and relax. Try to avoid drugs unless absolutely necessary...they all have side effects, some very serious. The average time to get pregnant with IUI is 3-4 cycles. Good Luck
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    It never works for me! so I have to spend more money o ultrasound to see the size of follicles and then trigger
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