
Looking for guys with lots of freckles

Looking for guys with lots of freckles is there a way to find donors with freckles, Other than going through tons of profiles just to find a guy with freckles. Also is there a certain race that is more likely to have freckles than others?
Thanks in advise


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    I don't believe there is a way to look for donors by freckles you would have to go through the profiles. I would tend to look more at Irish, English and Scottish (those with fair skin) I would be happy to help you if you want. I often have a lot of down time at work so I like looking through the profiles. 11997 was one of the first I looked at and he has "many" freckles. It may help if you have other characteristics you are looking for in a donor also just to narrow down the amount of donors you need to look through. Good Luck!
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    sure Jala i could use any help you can offer my E-mail is
    in message box plases tell me your name and your from message bords ccb. so i will know thats its you.
    lots of baby dusts,baby
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    I'd say start with looking for the red heads... but then again I have tons of freckles and I have black hair and am 100% hispanic...all my sibs also have tons of freckles..but start with red heads as I think that's more typical.
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    thanks guys lots of baby dust to you all,baby
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    Hi baby -

    Definitely start with red heads.




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    thanks all
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