TWW July '09
Posts: 589
Okay... the original thread has gotten to be THIRTEEN pages long... time for a new thread!! So, ladies... update yourselves!!
Have a great weekend everyone! Baby dust!
Sweet Pea...may your TWW go by quickly and end with a BFP!
AFM- Af came this morning...soooo, we're not sure what's going on since my period has never, ever been late, at least not for the last couple of years.
Back to the drawing board...we'll see what the doc thinks we should do. I am not on any meds and would like to try again without them but I will keep an open mind and do what the "pros" think I should. I just hope we can try again next cycle and not have to sit one out to wait to see if things go back on track...
Thanks to all of you ladies for the support and positive words and thoughts.
Had IUI done Monday, July 6th. AF is due July 14, 15 or 16th which is CD 26, 27, 28th; which leaves me with a short luteal phase but my RE isn't concerned. Have had several mild symptoms since IUI.
I'm hopeful but not excited and all worked up about it since my RE wasn't very positive about the chance of a successful healthy pregnancy for a 43 yr old. Not sure I cared for his lack of a bed-side manner. Oh well, let's hope I beat his odds.
Blessings to you all!
Hang in there!
Littleabe...congratulations on your IUI and good luck during your TWW! Stick baby Stick!
Misty...Thanks for thinking I'm not old at 43. I don't feel like it. It's just a number. I don't think I look it either. I have pics on FB. Various hair lengths which I think all work for me, luckily.
To everyone in the TWW...HERE'S TO US! CHEERS!!! and tons of baby dust!!!
I'm on 8DPIUI if you don't count the day it was done at 7am, otherwise it would be 9DPIUI. : )
Wendy and Littleabe...sending lots and lots of baby dust! May your TWW go by fast!!!
Hopefully, I'll be back in it next week provided I can get my proceedure done before I LH... going in for the consult on Friday... hoping they'll do more than that...
Dust, dust... aaacchhoo... sniff... dust, dust and prayers for all of us.
I am over 40 and am on my 6th IUI (two natural cycle, three clomid and one injectable). This is my first cycle on injectables and doing back to back inseminations. We had our first IUI today and go back for our second tomorrow.
Everything is looking good, but I cannot help but be a little discouraged given the past 5 failed IUIs (although I don't think we really had the timing down on the first two or three).
The TWW is tough, especially in the last few days when I have to resist the urge to test. Good luck to everyone in the TWW. Looking forward to hearing how it is going for you!
I had 2 ICI's at 38, 2 cycles from a live donor "friend" at 41 and now on my 2nd IUI at 43. I definitely believe timing is the main key with IUI, ICI. Just try and relax about it and don't focus on whether it will work this time or not...just keep repeating to yourself that YOU ARE READY when it is time!
Cheers and baby dust to you