donor 12731: any successes, miscarriages, any information at all?

My wife got pregnant right away using donor 12731 but miscarried very early on. We're obviously devastated and feeling afraid of future attempts. We're anxious to try again and are trying to remain hopeful but it's hard. I was just wondering if anyone has had a successful pregnancy with this donor?


  • Hi J & S -

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

    Unfortunately, miscarriages are more common than most people realize. It's estimated that 20% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. It's not a subject that many people like to talk about, but please know that you are not alone. The March of Dimes is a good resource to check out for support and information:

    There are many factors that may contribute to a pregnancy loss and you can read a little more about that here:

    A common cause of miscarriage are chromosome abnormalities that occur just by chance in the developing pregnancy and are not inherited from either parent. Many women that experience a pregnancy loss go on to have healthy babies.

    Donor 12731 has 5 or more reported pregnancies. He also has reported births.

    Please don't hesitate to speak to one of our Genetic Counselors at 877-743-6384 with any questions or concerns. We're here to help and offer support!


  • I forgot to add that we encourage you to report all outcomes to us. You can do so through this quick online form:

    Please let us know if you there's anything that you need.


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