

Where's all the ppl using donor 12224? I know you're out there cuz all of a sudden he has NO vials left!!!!


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    I just did an IUI with 12224 yesterday the 25th. I think the timing was off and I ovulated the day before. Hopefully the egg was still waiting around when I did the IUI. :-) I guess I will know sometime next week. I'm hoping it worked because we can't afford to try again until next year. :/
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    well that's typically when you want it to happen! Frozen sperm only lasts 24 hours max with 12 being the average...so it just depends on WHEN you ovulated the day before....but I suppose on the same token, the egg only lasts 24 hours as well with 12 being the average.

    Did you trigger? How long after did you do the IUI? We would do ours 39 hrs after the trigger but usually felt like we ovulated the day before, like later afternoonish.

    Did you see our guy isn't available anymore? I know theres way more ppl than you and I using him (and the other girl we talk to that uses him - she's preggers too by him....) so I know 2 pregnant people and you didn't just use up over 25 vials!

    We are really hoping to connect with ppl using him.
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    Are you on our facebook?
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    No trigger. Just a natural IUI the day after a positive OPK. My temp rose the day of the IUI but who knows when I ovulated. Guess time will tell. I'm not too optimistic, but it's still possible. I am on Facebook and joined CCB Friends - is that what you mean? The name on there is Peggy J. Gibson. :-) How's the pregnancy going? When's the big ultrasound scheduled?
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    No trigger. Just a natural IUI the day after a positive OPK. My temp rose the day of the IUI but who knows when I ovulated. Guess time will tell. I'm not too optimistic, but it's still possible. I am on Facebook and joined CCB Friends - is that what you mean? The name on there is Peggy J. Gibson. :-) How's the pregnancy going? When's the big ultrasound scheduled?
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    We have another US on the 7th of Nov. Sadly I won't get to go, Tommie is gonna try to video tape it though!

    Well don't be too negative!!! Just think positive!!!!
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    You're right. Pregnant until proven otherwise, right? That's too bad about the ultrasound. Hopefully they can give her a video or at the least lots of pictures. I am going to work on my positivity. :-)
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    LOL! Yes do so! Thinking positively is the first step to being positive!
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    Well... it's a BFN for me. :( Now to save up some money so we can try again in January or February. Hopefully our guy is available again when we need him. :-)
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    Aww I'm sorry! That sucks!!!! How were your counts with him? He just came available again. We called them the other day and they said he is still actively donating so he should be available for awhile yet.

    Did AF come or did you just get a negative test?
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    I don't know the counts, but they said it looked good. I'm glad he'll be available for a while. I got a negative test and then AF came the next day. On a good note my usual LP is 10 days, but this month it was 12. I like that. :-)

    I am seriously thinking about an injectable cycle in January or February to up our odds, but I am so worried about multiples. But at least with a cycle like that we would have more monitoring and the timing would likely be better. Now to convince my DP, Lydia. :-)
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    Well we had five follies and have only one baby. I've seen a lot of ppl with lots of follies and have a single but i've seen ppl with lots have twins. Seems it's rare to have more than 2....however someone has quads right now too....there is always seletive reduction of embryos and of follicles (before inseminating if you feel you have too many follicles)....we are big fans of clomid/bravelle hybrid cycle...but that's just us!

    We weren't responding well to the clomid alone.
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    I talked to Lydia and she is completely opposed to the injectables. I think the experience losing the twins made her scared to risk mulitples. Even though the twins were a fluke and had nothing to do with the number of follies. Anyway... I guess we're going to try Clomid and hope for the best. On a positive note it's much cheaper so we should be able to try in January. :-)
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    lol, yes they are cheaper! And I can understand not wanting multiples, but clomid can do the same! Injectables make higher quality follicles and help your lining...
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    I agree with you, but she's totally opposed because of the risk of multiples. I guess the 10% risk with clomid is more acceptable to her than the 30% risk with injectables. I promised her I wouldn't talk about this stuff until after the holidays so maybe I'll try and talk to her then. I do get a little bit obsessive, but it's because time is not on my side with this issue. That's why I'm in favor of injectables. I think they would increase my odds and they could always cancel the cycle if there's too many follies. I guess I will talk to her after the holidays. :-) Maybe I will try one Clomid cycle and if that doesn't work then move to injectables. I may see if our RE will talk to her about it too. Maybe she'll believe her if she tells her it's our best shot.
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    Yes you can cancel or reduce the follicles. Like I said, we had 5 and ended up with one baby. So it's all about timing and even with the trigger it seems the eggs release at different times.
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    I agree. I talked to her for a couple seconds the other day and told her we need to talk. She's sick right now so I'm waiting until she feels better. I am going to ask her to go with me to talk to the RE so she gets the best information and hopefully decides it's worth the risk. I will keep you updated. Either way I plan on having a BFP early in 2012.
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    Well your RE will know what's best for ya'll.
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    My partner and I are also using them, thankfully we have no fertility issues just two woman trying to make a baby. We start trying in January. Any confirmed pregnancy's or births??

    Good Luck,

    Colleen and Jen
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    Woohoo! Yes we are about 24 wks pregnant with this donor - it's a boy. We have a friend who is also pregnant, about 30 wks, with a boy also. I think there are around 5 reported pregnancies and quite a few ppl using him!

    Where are you guys from? We are very excited about others using this donor as we are interesting in getting to know half siblings!

    Good luck and baby dust to you Colleen and Jen!

    Natalie and Tommie (nmwartick@gmail.com)
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    Woohoo! Yes we are about 24 wks pregnant with this donor - it's a boy. We have a friend who is also pregnant, about 30 wks, with a boy also. I think there are around 5 reported pregnancies and quite a few ppl using him!

    Where are you guys from? We are very excited about others using this donor as we are interesting in getting to know half siblings!

    Good luck and baby dust to you Colleen and Jen!

    Natalie and Tommie (nmwartick@gmail.com)
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    Woohoo! Yes we are about 24 wks pregnant with this donor - it's a boy. We have a friend who is also pregnant, about 30 wks, with a boy also. I think there are around 5 reported pregnancies and quite a few ppl using him!

    Where are you guys from? We are very excited about others using this donor as we are interesting in getting to know half siblings!

    Good luck and baby dust to you Colleen and Jen!

    Natalie and Tommie (nmwartick@gmail.com)
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    hehehe SOWWY! Kept wondering where my post went - to the second page I see!
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    Colleen and Jen - did you girls get pregnant by this donor? We are due in less than 2 weeks with him.
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    yes we are having a boy we are 25 weeks jen.kaufman1@gmail.com
    let us know how you guys are doing
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    Colleen and Jen,

    I do believe that Tommie and Natalie's little boy is from donor 12224. He is 3 months now, I believe.

    So, there is at least one.
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