Anyone pregnant or TTC with 13866?
I got pregnant on my 3rd IUI. First two cycles I had used a different donor then I switched to 13866. Two eggs fertilized. Around 7-8 weeks I lost one -they called it a vanishing twin. All my doctors - RE, regular OB and high-risk OB (for over 35) thought everything looked good with the second one. Unfortunately at 13 weeks I was given devastating news that my baby had chromosomal abnormalities and wouldn't make it. I had to have a d&e and I'm just heartbroken. It was a baby girl. The doctors did further testing and found it was just completely unlucky, random occurrence and that it was nothing caused by me or the donor. I'm awaiting my first period after d&e and have an appt with my RE tomorrow. They say you are very fertile after having just been pregnant. I have 3 vials left- had been saving them for a sibling. I am turning 37 next week and as long as my RE agrees I plan to try another IUI next month. My insurance doesn't cover anything with IUI or IVF, not even meds. So it has been a very emotionally, physically and financially draining process. I won't give up on my dream of becoming a mother so have to push through! I pray it works on the first round so I can still have vials left for future sibling as this donor is now sold out. If anyone has his vials you'd like to sell please let me know! Also, if you are pregnant with 13866 are you having boy or girl?
Thank you
Thank you