dr. cost

I am thinking of having a baby on my own and I just started doing some research. About how much do the dr. visits cost each time you try?


  • Mine charges $800 which includes 2 monitoring ultrasounds
  • Thanks for the info. After you first met with the doctor how long did it take you before you were able start trying? how long did all the tests and everything take?
  • Well this is an open-ended question and youre bound to get alot of responses. I dont know how old you are but if you are over 35 your RE will probably recommend some blood work (on day 3 of your cycle) and upon the initial consultation, he'll probably do an ultrasound to look at your ovaries. So, depending on what tests he wants to run, you may be able to start soon except fertility meds are started day 2 or 3 of your period. Then you'll have to get a couple of ultrasounds to monitor your ovaries, and then insemination is usually done around CD14. The cost, if you dont have insurance coverage for this stuff, it is pricey and that has been my biggest setback. I use a website called IVFMEDS for my meds, which is alot cheaper than anything here in the USA. The actual IUI, with ultrasounds, costs around $675 and sperm is extra-around $550 a vial. It is expensive but sometimes your doctor may have have donor sperm that was left over, and they can give you all of the info on the donor if you want it. But not all RE's do this so it varies from office to office. good luck and start saving those pennies.
  • I'm glad you asked this question because I was wondering the same. I have been thinking about this for a year or so and believe this time next year I will start this process. (will have savings & move into a good school district).
    I was wondering what costs you incur besides the vials and if insurance covers any part of this.
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