
Donor #14081

I would like to know how many reported pregnancies has donor #14081.


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    My RE told me I should buy ICI vials. Does this donor have ICI vials? How can I purchase ICO vials from this donor?
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    I called to CCB and asked about ICI vials. This donor will release in march. I´m planning to do my treatment in june. Will be ICI vials available for june? How long does it take to have the vials available once the donor releases? Thanks
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    Hi Looking -

    Donor 14081 currently has less than 5 reported pregnancies. He is a new donor and has been available for less than 2 months.

    Please keep in mind that there is no guarantee that the donor will release additional vials in March. The vial release is dependent on the donor's future blood draw. The release date is an estimation and vials can be released later than projected or not released at all.

    Vials can sell out quickly, so my recommendation is to purchase the ICI vials as soon as they become available and store them until you need them for your procedure. Once released, vials can be shipped out the next business day (as long as your account forms are completed.)


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    Thank you Nicole. I was thinking in purchasing as soon as they are available. But my doubt is if it's necessary to get the sperm frozen for some months before it can be sold, and then I couldn't purchase ICI vials from this donor...
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    I'm starting my cycle in a week. I would like to know if he still has less than 5 reported pregnancies. Thanks
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    Hi Looking-

    Donor 14081 still has less than 5 reported pregnancies. It takes time for pregnancy reports to come in, especially if vials were sold out for a period of time.

    Best of luck with your upcoming insemination!


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    Thanks Nicole.
    For who it can concern and future recipients, this donor fertilized all the mature eggs I had. 100%. Wishing I can report a pregnancy. Lol
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    This donor fertilized 19 of 23 eggs retrieved on 09/25. Already have a positive HPT & get labs tomorrow.

    - LNM
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    I'm curious if CCB can tell us if there will be additional 14081 samples available?

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    Hi T -

    Donor 14081 completed our donor program and no additional vials will be released.

    If you have a pregnancy or embryos from this donor and would like to be notified if we receive any buyback vials, please contact Client Services at 866-927-9622 to be added to the notification list.

    If you are just starting this process, I would suggest finding a different donor because there's no guarantee that we may receive buyback vials. Even if we do receive buyback vials, it may be months or years until it occurs.

    Our Client Services Team will be happy to assist you if you need any help finding a new donor.


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