
You must read this!

I know I dont know any of you but I feel the need to share this with as many people as I can. So this is my story... From the time I met my husband he told me he didn't think he could have kids. He always said it kind of jokingly and never had a real reason for saying it. One day I told him he should go get tested if he really thought that. Well he got tested several times and he has NO sperm count. Doctors had no idea why. So anyway we have been looking through sperm donors for about six months now. Well over the last few weeks he has been really complaining about his stomach. Im a nurse and know how men can be whiny especially about thier stomachs so I was kind of ignoring it. I know, bad wife. Well the last few days it has gotten to where right after every meal he will have to go straight to the bathroom. Tonight he started puking. Then his nose started bleeding. Then he told me that last night he woke up in the middle of the night with a nose bleed. I thought that was really odd. So I started searching on the internet about nosebleeds and diahrea. You will never believe what I found. I found a disease that causes diahrea after each meal, nose bleeds, and unexplained infertility! Celiac disease. After reading apparently the infertility is reversible after following a gluten free diet.!!!! This is true for men and women affected with celiac disease. Apparently celiac disease is a huge cause of infertility that goes undiagnosed. Anyway as soon as I can pry my husband away from the toilet were going to get him diagnosed!!
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