
Single moms to be: Do you work?

If so, what do you do for a living? Are you planning on putting your child in day care, or do you have another situation?

I am a preschool teacher, but I'm thinking of starting my own home day care if I have a child.


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    Hi Elle! I do work, I currently work as a nurse. I am planning on using a friend as an option for child care when the time comes. Good luck in whatever you choose!
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    Hi Elle, I am also a nurse working 5 days a week and will be having a friend who is an at home mom watch my baby after my maternity leave is over :) Best wishes!
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    Hi ladies,
    I work full time, Mon-Fri. I do Marketing/Promotions. I have 20 month old twin sons. They are not in daycare. I have a very supportive family and my parents babysit while I'm at work. Also my boys were born at 29 weeks and one of them has had health problems from being premature. He has a trach (but not for much longer) so he has a home health nurse.

    Those are things I did not plan on happening. I planned to send them to daycare. But God had a different plan for us. I ended up buying a house across the street from my parents so we can have their help.

    I don't make much money, so having my parents help is HUGE! But remember, if you are waiting for the perfect time and perfect situation, it will never happen. You have to just go for it and everything will fall into place. You make it work no matter your situation.
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    You are so right, Melissa. No time is perfect.

    After thinking about this for some time and have another relationship not working out, I have decided to take the next step.

    I'm a flight attendant, but my work schedule is very good for me. I usually work two weeks out of the month then the rest of time I have off. I can work more or less if I like. I have just moved back to New York to be closer to my family and one of my sisters will take care of my baby (fingers crossed). I think you just have to find what is best for you.
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