13273 ICI?
Posts: 28
Is there a reason this donor does not have ICI vials available with this recent release? Will he ever have ICI vials? Just curious how this works.
Donor 13273 completed our program and only has IUI vials available.
Our lab typically washes most of the vials because our clients use IUI vials more than ICI vials.
At this point, the only way that any ICI vials would become available for this donor is if we receive buyback vials from a client that has them stored here at CCB.
I don have one more question. When you say he has "completed the program" does that mean that he is no longer donating? I thought this was a new donor, so i am confused.
Yes, Donor 13273 is no longer donating.
Most donors are in our program for about a year. It also takes about a year from when the donor starts our program to when his vials become available for sale. (The whole qualification process itself takes about 3 months and there is a mandatory 6 month quarantine period for specimens.)
If you look at Donor 13273's profile, you can see that it was filled out in October 2011. But, his vials were first released for sale in September 2012, so he is a relatively new donor on our catalog.
I hope this clears up the confusion!
Also, this is why it's important to plan for future inseminations and/or siblings, since our donors will sell out of vials.
Best of luck with everything!