Hello All:
Well, currently in my 2WW and each day seems like a month. I am on my 4th IUI and first monitored with Menopur injections. I am 34 years old and since it is my husband that has the issue I thought it would work the first time with clomid unmonitored. Unfortunately it did not and I am where I am. I took menopur for 8 days and began to surge on my own on cycle day 11 took trigger shot that evening and insem the next day. RE said that since I was surging on my own I would not take trigger that night to be sure I had that extra push and the IUI in the am on day 12. I had 2 vials but he said the percentage according to studies both nationwide and at the clinic alone were so minimal of 2 working with my same situation. I elected to save my spare vial for next month but with any luck I will not need it until sometime in the future for a sibling.
I guess the purpose of this post is to get my story out there and am looking for any support that anyone may offer. Especially early prego signs. I have been with my husband since high school and cannot believe it is him and I who for years tried not to get pregnant are now where we are.
Good luck to each and everyone of you.
Well, currently in my 2WW and each day seems like a month. I am on my 4th IUI and first monitored with Menopur injections. I am 34 years old and since it is my husband that has the issue I thought it would work the first time with clomid unmonitored. Unfortunately it did not and I am where I am. I took menopur for 8 days and began to surge on my own on cycle day 11 took trigger shot that evening and insem the next day. RE said that since I was surging on my own I would not take trigger that night to be sure I had that extra push and the IUI in the am on day 12. I had 2 vials but he said the percentage according to studies both nationwide and at the clinic alone were so minimal of 2 working with my same situation. I elected to save my spare vial for next month but with any luck I will not need it until sometime in the future for a sibling.
I guess the purpose of this post is to get my story out there and am looking for any support that anyone may offer. Especially early prego signs. I have been with my husband since high school and cannot believe it is him and I who for years tried not to get pregnant are now where we are.
Good luck to each and everyone of you.
Wish you best luck at this time. I'm also on WW wait. Today is my 13 dpIUI, but I'm still not testing my HPT yet until Friday is my schedule due date for Periods.
I've been feeling something on the left side of my ovary in front everyday. Also to let time go faster, I read all early pregnancy symptoms people posting on Google search every night.
Now, my period is near, my b&b is much more tender to the notice level. I also like to go the bathroom many time, but this is my own habit. I like to go the bathroom all time before IUI.
The only symptoms that brings me hope, is sensational feeling on my left ovary everyday. whenever I'm doing something, it is always with me sinde day 1.
God bless us all.
I responded to your post on the other board...it's quite lengthy...you may want to check it out.
So, today is test day for you! Have you tested yet? Your symptoms sound promising as I experienced those same ones and I got a positive on 12 DPO.
I'm praying for both of you!
I already had my period yesterday...:). and full blown today..:). So I did one HPT yesterday morning at 3am, but negative..:).
Okay, that will be fine, now i'm prepare for 2nd IUI with Clomid (very small dose) like Ryantl...:). You know, my age - 40 can be a factor. But I will continue anyway..:).
My story will be continued..:). like mini -series..:). one at time..:).
Glod Bless us All.
I started my period today too. (We must be on the same cycle). I'm doing Clomid too this cycle. They are having me come in on Monday to have an ultrasound & get started. Do you have an appointment set up?
My luteal phrase is 16 days (from the day after end ovulation to the next full blown bleeding day). So my normal cycle is 31 days. However, sometimes I ovulate early (like 12 or 13 CD) or late like 20 CD or 21 CD. But normal, I have ovulation around 14/15 CD.
I called my Doc on Thurs. However, He is OBGYN specialist, so he does not have like ultra-sound, something to measure how many follicle that I will have. or how many sperms ?
So, I'm on my own take Clomids (50mg only, because my cycle/ovulation is regular),very carefully on CD 3-7 (that means Sun -> Thur), then breaks until CD 11 (following Mon) to have daily test for ovulation.
Then I will try to catch my FIRST surge (early AM), very carefully, so I can hopefully do IUI around 36 hours after that.
At this time, I'm not comfortable to go to the Fertility clinic. My Doc is Vietnamese also, somehow, in the same culture. I'll try to be with him for some more times.
I've been discussed with my bro about go to fertility clinics. But for now, I feel comfortable to do IUI with him.
I also change my donor this time as my brother suggest.
Thanks Hill,
I'll pray for you. Wish you Best Luck to be a pego very soon after all of heartful efforts and waiting.
I'm sad a little but not that bad. Now I'm not excited in 2 WW anymore...:), however, I learn a lot of the last two weeks, because I reading many information about the pregnancy with whole heart. That knowledge prepare me for long term success..:).
Now I'm more like doing duties with my best for the baby project. Ryantl, when you least expect, things will come.
I remembered spend the first two months (08/08 - 09/08) desperately to see the ovulation test becoming the positive. They did not come. However, after that, I still tried my best, then one day in October, I got positive ovulation test in the least expected moment. I was so happy at time. I've progressed a long way from that time.
I'm happy to see my ovulation regularly month.
I always believe that all hardwork will be paid off a the end in everything that I've been doing/achieved in my life...:).
Just be patient, doing carefully, and put your best into it, our wishes will come true at the end..:).
Good Bless Us All.
We did a at home ICI about 11 days ago and then again the next night. We had purchased a Clear Blue fertility monitor and even though it did not show she was at peak fertility, we went ahead and inseminated based on other sign that fertility ws high. Jan was the first month to do the fertility monitor, so it says in the book it might show additional high days. It never showed peak, even after we inseminated.....that was a little discouraging. We inseminated Thursdy night and friday night, and we are guessing she might have ovulated saturday.....we are not positive, when she ovulates she can usually feel it however the signs were not so clear this month. We took a hpt this past sunday morning, which would have been 7-8 days past ovulation and it was negative. (I know it was probobaly too early) From about 3-4 dpi she felt low cramps but said it wasn't period cramps until day 9 which was the day we took our first hpt then a couple of hours later she started her period full force no questions about it. Well, first off, hr cycle is regular on time 28 days and she started 4-5 days early......I dont understand, she has not taken any fertility meds or any meds besides over the counter follic acid. 2nd weirdness is....she doesnt usually bleed heavy the first day and she has been bleeding extremely heavy for 3 days now. 3rd thing is Sunday night she couldnt sleep because she said she just could not get "comfortable." And from what I have read alot of women when they first become pregnant cant explain it, they just cant get comfortable. She has been extremely emotional.....I understand this is a big emotional roller coaster for me and I am not the one trying to carry the baby. We took another hpt this morning and again it was negative. The first day she started bleeding, I started reading about implantation bleeding, hoping it was that.....but I think I have to start facing the reality that its probobly not that.
So.....after all that, I guess I am just looking to hear about any similar experience somebody may have had.
Wish you all the best in your journey to becoming proud parents.
It sounds like she might have had a chemical pregnancy. I had one with my second IUI with the first donor we tried. Before my period was due I was nauseous and had cravings for grape jelly; so weird! around 10 DPO I got a faint positive, but then the next morning got a BFN and then started spotting. My period came full force 2-3 days early, was very heavy, and lasted 8 days (2 days longer than normal). Even though she never got a BFP, it could still have been a chemical pregnancy. It is very common and not a bad sign. Most women never know it has happened unless they are trying to get pregnant and testing early.
I hope you are successful soon!
Since Oct until now, I often get two days of ovulation and one/or two high fertility,very on time. From my own observation, when you get high fertility, it is often the next day will be ovulation day. Some times, it just went up to two ovulation days, then one high fertility day after that.
Make sure that you need to reset the monitor after the 1st day of full period.
I always test early with my first very concentrated urine to measure both Estrogen/LH, in the morning around 4am or 6am. Every morning, I often look at the monitor to see which cycle day i'm on. That helps me much because I'm so busy.
I just did my first IUI on 01/28 (On the 2nd ovulation) naturally, however, I get all of pregnancy symbols such as bloating, breast sore, cramp. But my period came back very ontime, right just before I was planning to test...:).
This time, I used Clomids (3-7 days), I still have two more days to come, then beginning testing next Monday (02/23).
I'm planning testing early in the morning using Clear Blue Fertility Monitor, also testing at night using cheaper regular OPK to catch the FIRST SURGE.
I don't expect much like the first IUI, but do thing much more careful...:). Also, I'm planning to take blood test on CD 11 for my FSH, and CD 23 for my progesterone which will tell me whether I actually ovulated.
Also I buy all of herbs and baby aspirin (81mg) to protect the uterin line from the side effects of clomids.
I'm trying my best and keep the courage to do things as much as I can, but I don't want to have false hope which will become very negative feelings when the actual result comes.
God Bless Us All.