Well, we are in the 2ww and I am just beside myself. Every symptom Iam thinking bad sign since I have had 4 unsuccessful IUIS with clomid. This month I injected Menopur, had one large follie and 3 small others. I started to surge on my own and took trigger that evening and IUI the next morning. I know the sperm live more than one day but I am nervous the insem was too early. Then again if we would have waited one day I would be nervous is was one day late. The 2WW and the anxiety that goes along with it is crazy. I have searched the internet several times and found a few sites but thought I could find more support or kind words or anything at all that might help me by posting something here.

Good luck to you all. We have struggled with infertility for years and are desperate for success this round.


  • oops I posted under same sex couples and we are a hetrosexual couple. Oops. Sorry
  • That's okay...we same sex couples experience the same anxiety that hetrosexual couples experience. We're happy to chat with anyone!

    I know how long the 2WW is...it seems like it goes on forever! The days seem to drag on. I was also worried about my timing with the IUI...but somehow it all worked out. I ovulated at noon on Friday and had the IUI at 9am on Saturday. I got a positive on 12 DPO. So, thankfully, by the grace of God, it worked out perfectly.

    I am sorry that you have struggled with infertility for so long and I pray that this is your month to conceive. Just try to relax and think happy thoughts.

    Have you looked at twoweekwait.com? They have a forum there that is really helpful. I lived at that website during my 2WW. Check it out.

    Stop back by anytime...I'd like to hear how things went for you. :)

  • Thanks Misty.

    I was hoping for that reaction. I am sure you do experience the same emotions I just wanted to be upfront and honest. My sixth grade teacher said it best, honest to a fault. I never meant to minimize your anxiety as a same sex couple. So, if I did I am sorry.

    Now that we have gotten that out of the way...I am so happy for you that you are expecting. This will be the most exciting 9 months. I would say I hope you do not have morning sickness but for woman in our shoes we look forward to it, lol!I am 6 days post IUI and have a cramping in my lower abdomen that feels like my period. My husband and I tried for years not to get pregnant and then we started having trouble we found out a bout my husbands condition. That was 6 years ago. It was just this past October my husband finnally accepted the idea of donor sperm. I kept telling him it was not just genetics that makes a parent a parent. I am sure you can empathize with these sentiments.

    Well, good luck to you and thank you for the sweet reply. You are very blessed and I pray every day that I will be in the prego boat soon!

    Take care of yourself and of your baby growing inside you.
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