
Anyone get pregnant on first or second IUI?? Send hope my way!

I'm just looking for some hope that I could get pregnant on my first or second IUI. I don't want to go into debt paying for a bunch of cycles and I want a baby more than anything in this world. But so many of these posts have people that are on their 5th or 6th try. Just looking for those that have healthy pregnancies on their first or second try. Also, I'm curious to know if you did it by a natural cycle or medicated. My doc says I have regular cycles and I should try natural the first time.

Any words of encouragement is appreciated!


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    My first attempts were Un medicated. I regret that now. Take all the help you can get on each try as long as it doesn't affect your health. If I were to go back, I would most definitely do clomid and trigger shot from the start. Why take a chance if you know it's something you want and are on a budget. Just my two cents.

    And try try try not to obsess or get too caught up in the tiny details. Relax and let God do his thing.

    Baby Dust!
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    I replied to another post of yours Chase. I got pregnant my first try. I did do a round of chlomid, my progesterone levels were low. Between chlomid and STRONG family history of twins...I got pregnant for twins my first try.

    Good luck!
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    Thanks Melissa! I just had my first IUI this morning so my tww begins! I know the stats say my chances are super low of it working the first time but I'm trying to focus on the positive. It can happen, right? Only takes 1 sperm out of millions. Thanks for the ray of hope!
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    Good luck Chase, and it can happen. I had my first natural IUI on October 2nd and I got a BFP 12 days later. My OBG is one of my good friends and she came to my house and performed the procedure in my bedroom which saved $. I totally understand being nervous about the cost. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I know its early, but are you having any symptoms yet?
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    I don't know if I'm having symptoms yet. I'm super tired the last few days, but that could be normal it's hard to tell. Fingers crossed. Will take a HPT probably in 3-4 days even though it will still be a tiny bit early.
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    OK just so you know, I took an hpt on day 10 and it was negative. 2 days later positive! Don't get discouraged by an early BFN. And be sure to use only first response tests. It is much better than clearblue or other brands for detecting early pregnancy. I'm sending tons of baby dust your way!
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    I'm currently 6 Weeks Pregnant after 1st ever IUI and also Zero Meds ... completely Natural.

    It happened the 1st time .. so ... It CAN happen :)
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    So I'm 10dpiui and I've taken 2 tests, both BFN. I have a dilemma now. Do I do another round unmedicated and pay outright? Or do I do a round of Clomid, which my doc requires extra monitoring and unltrasounds which costs 4x the amount that I'd have to finance??? I just want the BEST chance to get pregnant. Not sure what to do? Any advice?

    How do people afford 5+ rounds of iui when insurance doesn't cover it???
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    Chase35174 I am in the same boat. Insurance covered testing not treatment. I took out a personal loan to help. My fertility clinic also offered a global rate on the testing once you're in a cycle so that it caps the cost regardless of how many times you go in for monitoring. They also had a program that gives me 30% off.

    The Clomid itself does not cost much. I would see if they can give you a global fee for the testing. Good luck to you whatever you decide.
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    I just started my first round of IUI, they have me on letrozole pills for 5 days then bravelle inj every other day for 3 injections. I go back in a week for a second ultrasound to see how things are going. I have polycystic so I need the drugs to make my ovaries work, just wish it wasnt 550.00 worth of drugs
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    Hi I got pregnant on my first try NO meds I had a boy in 2009, and I took my three tries for my little girl BUT all three were really low sperm counts but the last one took in 2012. Good luck
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