
11885 pregnancies

I would really like to know how many pregnacies donor 11885 had reported also if he is retired this will dictate my decision on this donor. Thank you.


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    Hi Baby -

    We can share if a donor has more or less than 5 reported pregnancies. Reported pregnancies are not success indicators of a donor but are usually tied to how long he has been available and the popularity of his characteristics.

    Donor 11885 has 5 or more reported pregnancies and he is retired.

    I'm not sure why you are looking for information on whether the donor is retired or not. "Retired" means that the donor is no longer donating. The vast majority of our donors are retired. We currently have 14 "new" donors on our catalog and 10 of the 14 of them are retired.

    Please keep in mind that it takes about a year for the donor to go through the entire donor qualification process and have vials available on our catalog. It's not unusual for the donor to be finished with the donation part of the process when he first appears on our catalog.

    If you will need vials for multiple inseminations or future siblings, the only way to guarantee vials for a later date is by purchasing them now and storing them. We offer free storage with our Family Today & Family Tomorrow programs. You can learn more about our family planning programs here: https://cryobank.com/Services/Additional-Services/Family-Today---Family-Tomorrow/


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    I was unaware of the process of when the donors where in fact still donating or retired, I assumed they kept donating for a certain period of time and that it meant that if they were retired it would make it "more" difficult to plan for the future with this donor if you didn't have the money to purchase all the vials you may want for possible future children, but I understand now that it would be difficult either way because once the vials are gone they are gone. But thank you very much for your response it was very informative
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    Hi Baby -

    You're welcome.

    Donors are usually in our program for about a year, but that's also the length of time it usually takes before his first batch of vials is ready to be sold .

    Even if a donor is "retired", it's possible that he may have additional vials released in the future because all vials are quarantined for a minimum of 6 months before they are released for sale.

    I know that this whole process can be overwhelming and costly, so I encourage to contact our Client Services Department if you have any questions. If you have a couple donors that you are interested in, they will be able to help guide you as to which ones may sell out faster than others. They can also help you plan for the future and explain the free storage programs we offer to see what might work with your budget.


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