
Selling One Sperm Vial 13202


I was going through IUI process last year and took time off after 4 rounds. Decided to give it another shot in April of this year when that failed as well. My doctor missed my ovulation... (3 doctors missed it actually) Took some time off again, and have decided to go another route. I am left with one sperm vial which sits in my doctors office. I have been contacted by someone that might be interested in buying, but will not be certain until end of September.

Has anyone sold their vials before? If so, what was the process? I have contacted my doctors office and have yet to hear from anyone that knows the process. Any information will help.

Thanks so much!


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    Hi Augustskys, I think once you have the vial at your drs office you cant do the cryobank sell back . I don't want your vial to go to waste though. Myself and a few other people are planning on having a second with 13202. Let me know if you find out if you can sell to another person. Like if your drs office can send it to another drs office? my email is kristinandarlene@gmail.com Thank you!!!!
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    Hi Mskanda,

    Sorry for the delay. But I hardly log onto CCB and I'm not sure how to go about changing settings to notify me I received mail.

    Hopefully, it's not too late as I still have the vial.

    Thank you and talk soon!
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    Hi August! Any updates as to selling the vial??
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