Donor 14261
Posts: 8
Wondering if any vials have been purchased from donor 14261. We are interested in him but are weary if he has not produced any pregnancies. Any information would be much appreciated!
Donor 14261 has been available on our catalog for less than 4 months, so it's a bit early for reported pregnancies. All of our donors go through a rigorous screening process and are capable of achieving pregnancy. Less than 1% of applicants actually become CCB donors. Feel free to watch a short video on our donor screening process:
Please also keep in mind that another client's pregnancy or lack of pregnancy has no bearing on your personal chance of success. We work with women of all ages, all over the world and their insemination process can vary greatly. Some clients do home inseminations, some use fertility drugs, and some do IVF with donor eggs. Research studies show that the outcome of IUIs with donor sperm depend on the following 5 variables: number of treatment cycles, number of mature follicles, cycle day for insemination, occurrence of ovulation at time of insemination, and maternal age.
We offer a diverse selection of over 500 donors. Some are new to our catalog and some have unique ethnic backgrounds/characteristics and might not be chosen very often. All of our donors will have reported pregnancies, but it just takes time. If this is your favorite donor, there's no need to worry. You could be the first person to report a pregnancy.
We are currently in our TTW with this donor. I see that someone recently, within the last 2 weeks, reported a pregnancy.
We will keep you updated.
Baby dust!
Best of luck!
We'll cross our fingers for a BFP, but if you happen to need more vials or try for siblings in the future and are looking for more consistent numbers, it's better to purchase IUI vials which are already washed.
The good news is that medical studies have determined that anything greater than 5 million total motile sperm used for IUIs with donor sperm does not improve pregnancy outcome. (More recent studies have actually shown anything greater than 2 million TMS does not improve pregnancy outcome.) Your numbers are fine and it's important to remember than on average it takes about 3-4 inseminations to achieve pregnancy.
Best of luck with your next insemination!
Congratulations! That makes me so happy!! I'm glad to hear that our boys are working. Im sending so many good vibes for a healthy sticky bean for you.
Hopefully a half sibling will be conceived by us - we have IUI#6 with this donor tomorrow. Were doing back to backs (Friday and Sat). Cycle was Fermera this time instead of Chlomid and Triggered today. Hoping thats the trick.
Thanks for sharing.
Does anyone by chance have extra vials they are looking to sell for donor 14261. I was able to conceive with this donor and would love to give my son a sibling.