
2nd IUI try looks like a winner!!

Just wanted to share that there is hope for those of us trying to keep the faith and battling the odds!!

I had my 2nd IUI on 8/15 and found out today that I am officially pregnant!! (I know, BFP!! lol)

Since I tested early and didn't wait until Saturday for the full TWW - my levels in my blood work are looking low. But they think it is because their #'s are for 3 days from now.

So I am using Progesterone cream 3x daily and going back on Monday to test again and make sure the levels look good.

But I am definitely preggers and sooo excited!!
**bAbY*dUsT** to all and can't wait to hear about more BFP's from others!!!


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    Congrats girlfriend!! I am two days behind you and battling the urge to test... I offically can on Monday... we'll see if I will or not. Working a single shift so I can go home and relax IF I decide to that day.
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    Oh!! Best of luck!!!! =)
    KMP on what happens!!! The last couple days are so tough- I'm proud of you for waiting!!!!

    Hope it's a big ol' BFP!!!
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    Hang in there Endo...I posted you a response on your other post.

    Tigger...OMG...you're getting so close! I can't wait to hear the results.
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    The baby is doing great!!! :)
    Got my numbers back and they have jumped way up!!
    So it was just because I tested too early!!

    Thank you so much for all the prayers!!!
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    CONGRATS!!!!! FX for baby!! Grow, Grow, Grow
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    Thank you!! All is cooking along nicely so far!!! :) I'm so grateful!!
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